- The traffic was snarled up in the town this morning. 今天早晨城里交通严重堵塞。
- The freeway was snarled up with a number of small accidents. 高速公路因为一些小事故而混乱了。
- Traffic was badly snarled up near the accident. 车祸现场附近交通极为混乱。
- Traffic has snarled up the city centre. 来往车辆把市中心堵得水泄不通。
- The accident snarled up traffic for hours. 事故使交通堵塞数小时。
- The labor Party snarled up the opposition in an election. 劳工党工竞选中搞乱了反对党阵线。
- The accident snarled up the traffic all day. 这次事故使交通堵塞了整整一天。
- The sheets kept getting snarled up. 床单老缠到一起。
- The traffic gets snarled up very often at that roundabout. 在那个环形交叉口,交通时常发生阻塞。
- The thread has got all snarled up; I can't untie it. 线都乱成一团了,我解不开了。
- I'm not used to being snarled at-change your tone. 我不习惯别人对我大喊大叫,把你说话的腔调改一改。
- Traffic was snarled by the accident. 意外事故于交通混乱。
- The thread has got all snarled up,and I can't untie it. 线都乱成一团了,我解不开。
- Trafficcounter was badly snarled up near the accident. 车祸现场附近交通极为混乱。
- The storm has snarled up the efforts of people trying to repair the oil well. 这次风暴打乱了人们想修油井的工作安排。
- The traffic snarled up completely on the approach road to the docks. 在通往码头的那一段路上,交通完全堵塞了。
- Bad weather has snarled up the efforts of people trying to repair the oil well. 恶劣的天气破坏了人们修理油井的努力。
- Traffic was snarled in cities from Los Angeles to Washington, D.C., as anti-war protesters blocked off major intersections, some chaining themselves together. 从旧金山到华盛顿的交通乱成一团,反战示威者把主要交通枢纽堵的水泄不通。
- It cleanses the thought process of what can be called psychic irritants, things like greed, hatred and jealousy, things that keep you snarled up in emotional bondage. 它清理思维的过程中的心理扰动,如贪婪、憎恨以及嫉妒,那些使得你束缚于情感纠结的食物。
- I think that all rapists should be strung up. 我认为所有的强奸犯都应该被绞死。