- In large towns the carbon dioxide content may be slightly higher than in country districts . 在大城镇里,二氧化碳的含量会略高于乡下。
- For manuscripts that are published for the first time, the remuneration may be slightly higher than the domestic rates. 首次出版的书稿,可按略高于国内稿酬标准支付报酬;
- ADP in group DBC was slightly higher than in group CO but not significant. dBC组ADP含量略高于CO组。
- The balustrades of the mezzanine office are slightly higher than usual. 中层楼办公室处的栏杆要比通常的稍微高一些。
- In large towns the carbon dioxide content may be slightly higher than in country districts. 在大城镇里,二氧化碳的含量会略高于乡下。
- The SBP and DBF in middle aged or old females are slightly higher than in males of the same age range. 中老年女性SBP及DBP稍高于同龄组男性。
- Translocation rate of dry matter of the sole soybean was slightly higher than that of the intercropped soybean. 间作玉米的干物质转换率高于单作,单作大豆的转换率高于间作。
- The overall effective rate of group I(96%)was slightly higher than that of group II(94%). The score of MQ and MMSE improved obviously and FAQ reduced. 哈伯因组总有效率 96%25稍高于低频电组 94%25 ,MQ和MMSE治疗前后评分自身对比增值显著 ,FAQ总分下降。
- The positive percentage of PAIgG by FCM in ITP was slightly higher than that by ELISA. The rate of accordance of these two methods was 85.4%. ITP患者FCM检测的阳性率比ELISA法稍高;两种方法的符合率为85.;4%25。
- Sales were slightly higher than expected, including in the key markets of Australia and India, International Data Corp. (IDC) said in a statement. IDC在声明中指,包括澳洲和印度这些关键市场,销售都比预期的稍高。
- The gas holdup in the air-water system was slightly higher than in the air-paraffin system and it increased with superficial gas velocity. 结果表明:气含率随着表观气速的增加而增加。在空气-水体系中的气含率略大于空气-医用液体石蜡油-催化剂体系的气含率。
- The infection rate in men was slightly higher than that in women, and it is also higher in Qamdo area than in Nagqu area. 昌都地区的感染率较高于那曲地区。
- The global seismicity level in the year 2000 was slightly higher than former years,but its disaster situation was very slight. 2000年全世界地震活动水平略高于往年,但地震灾情很轻。
- The antimicrobial activities of TZXL and TZX were similor,which were slightly higher than that of TMT,and significantly stronger than those of PIP and CAZ. TZXL与TZX的抗菌谱、体外抗菌活性基本一致,与TMT作用相似,比PIP、CAZ作用强。
- The estradiol expression in ectopic endometrium was slightly higher than those in eutopic endometrium of adenomyosis,but no statistical significance was found (P>0.05). 异位宫内膜雌二醇的表达略高于原位宫内膜;但无统计学意义(P>0.;05)。
- The means of teachers from key schools SWB level was slightly higher than that of the teachers from average schools.But the difference was not significant statistically. 5、重点学校新教师主观幸福感水平略高于非重点学校新教师,但差异不显著。
- The traders also pointed out that a strong dollar rebounded overnight, and it is expected that today's dollar / yen rate may be slightly higher than yesterday at 6.8280. 该交易员同时指出,美元隔夜强势反弹,因此预计今天美元/日元中间价可能设在略高于昨日6.;8280的位置。
- Diversity index of the native AM fungi in the rhizosphere soil of P. notatum plants was slightly higher than those of S. gracilis and A. conyzoides plants. 藿香蓟根际土著AM真菌群落的多样性指数略高于柱花草和百喜草;
- Comparing with MCM-41, SBA-15 showed better catalytic effect than MCM-41.Comparing with the diesel(0#), the viscosity and density of the pyrolytic oil were slightly higher than those of diesel. 与没有催化剂存在情况相比,MCM-41和SBA-15的存在能显著降低热解液体的黏度和密度,其中,SBA-15的降低效果更为明显。
- The steam pressure in the bother is slightly higher than it should be. 锅炉内的蒸汽压力比应有的压力略高。