- Doors shall have vision panels and be self closing. 门应该有观察窗和自锁装置。
- To be an excellent, equitable and innovative university. 做一所杰出的、公正的、不断创新的综合类大学.
- Being active, creative and innovative is a plus. 思想活跃、有首创和革新精神尤佳。
- Very self reliant when soloing through Blood abilities that heal themselves as they deal damage. 非常自力更生独奏时,通过血液自我治愈能力,因为它们涉及的损害。
- The Microsoft spirit is adventurous and innovative. 微软精神更是一种敢于冒险、于创新的精神。
- If they attack first, it will be self defense on our part. 如果他们先攻击,将会自卫迈进。
- To manage a nation law and moral are reliant and stimulative each other. 对一个国家的治理来说,法治与德治,从来都是相辅相成、相互促进的。
- Its glass carving is beautiful and innovative. 玻璃雕刻创意新颖。
- Carol: And look, this is where we use to play cowboys and Indians, I was the Indian maiden beautiful yet entirely self reliant. 卡罗尔:路克,我们在这儿玩过印第安人和牛仔的游戏,我扮演一个印第安少女,不仅漂亮,而且非常有个性。
- She was an imaginative and innovative manager. 她是个有想象力和革新精神的经理。
- They should unite, realistic and innovative. 精诚团结,求实创新。
- Very self reliant when soloing through Blood abilities that heal themselves as they deal damage.Runes and Runic energy recharge quickly, meaning that you can adventure almost non-stop. 在一番严厉的训诫及真挚的劝导后,便把护照还给了我们,让我们离去,并没有对我们进行罚款。
- Additionally, the installation should be self healing, also known as resiliency, if the installation is damaged. 如果损坏安装此外,安装应该self healing,称为复原
- Code should be self explanatory. Good code with readable variable and method names should not require comments. 代码应该是自解释的。由可读性强的变量和方法组成的好的代码应该不需要注释。
- A period of sequential technological development and innovation. 阶段持续的技术发展和革新的一段时期
- Should be self motivated, results driven, and have a passion for accomplishing environmental solutions. 能自我激励,追求成效,并具有实现环保解决方案的热情。
- Witches, who are inventive and innovative, create better and better brooms. 善于创新发明的女巫们改进出愈加出色的扫帚。
- Now we are entering a new era ,full of new knowledge and innovative ideas. 现在我们正在进入一个充满新的知识和思想的全新的时代。
- Second, the global view and innovative impetus of Chinese Rhetoric studies. 二、全球视野和中国修辞学研究的创新动能;
- The other options that you can specify are SELF, OWNER, and user_name. 您还可以指定SELF、OWNER和user_name等其他选项。