- Sadly, she was second fiddle to his work. Sadly, she was not the first choice when compared to his work. 令她悲哀的是,他的工作比她更重要。
- He plays second fiddle to Mr. White. 他充当怀特先生的副手。
- I have to play second fiddle to him. 我只好给他当副手。
- "I'm sort of planning on going, but I won't be shattered if I don't, " replied Mrs. Bush, who until now has carefully played second fiddle to Mrs. Reagan. 布什夫人回答说,"我可以说打算要去,可是不去也无伤大雅。"她到目前一直小心避免抢里根夫人的风头。
- His family has had to play second fiddle to his political career. 他因从政而把家庭置於次要地位。
- He has to play the second fiddle. 他不得不充当副手。
- Do you know what it means to play second fiddle? 你知道演奏第二小提琴部分是什么意思吗?
- He hated to play second fiddle to anyone. 他讨厌给任何人当副手。
- I don't mind playing second fiddle in this group. 我不介意在这个组织里打下手。
- My father grows roses that are second to none. 我父亲种的玫瑰是最好的。
- I have no intention of playing second fiddle to the new director, so I've resigned. 我不想当新董事的副手,所以辞职了。
- He is tired of playing second fiddle to men with less talent. 他讨厌给才能不如他的人当副手。
- Dogs that have GREAT potential to be Second Class? 最有潜力成为第二等的犬?
- To by refused to play second fiddle to young Simpson. 托比拒绝当小辛普森的副手。
- Can be second liver carrier rejected? 乙肝带菌者会被拒绝吗?
- Our goods are second to none on the world market. 在国际市场上,我们的商品不亚于任何人。
- His family have have to play second fiddle to his political career. 他因从政而把家庭置於次要地位。
- Toby refused to play second fiddle to young Simpson . 托比拒绝当小辛普森的副手。
- Jules is willing to go play second fiddle to Mr. Shaw. 朱尔斯愿意做肖先生的副手
- I feel it worth playing second fiddle to Mr. Wang. He's so capable. 给王先生当二把手我看也值得。他太能干了。