- They can be removed from deployment and stored. 而是停止调用,保存起来。
- The attribute could not be removed from the cache. 不能从缓存删除属性。
- Can these ink stains be removed from the clothes? 衣服上的这些墨水污点洗得掉吗?
- The class could not be removed from the cache. 无法从缓存中删除类别。
- The corrupt official was removed from office. 这个贪官被罢了职。
- The permission to be removed from this entry. 从该入口中被删除的许可。
- The drive can be removed from the drive. 移动存储器。
- Used batteries should be removed from the toy. 用完的电池要从玩具里面取出。
- That officer must be removed from his position. 那个军官必须撤职。
- All CFC coolants must be removed from fridges. 必须将所有的氟氯化碳冷却液从冰箱中去除。
- A few electrons may readily be removed from, or added to an atom. 有少数几个电子容易地从一原子上移去或加到一原子上。
- The corrupt mayor should be removed from office and prosecuted. 这个腐化堕落的市长应当撤职查办。
- Pyjamas made from flammable material have been removed from most shop. 大部分商店都不再出售用易燃材料做的睡衣了。
- We are removing from London to the country. 我们正从伦敦迁往乡下。
- Reference books must not be removed from the Reading Room . 参考书不得从阅览室拿走。
- Reference books must not be removed from the Reading Room. 参考书不得从阅览室拿走。
- The madman was removed from the theatre. 那个疯子被撵出剧场。
- The twin brothers were removed from our class. 这一对孪生兄弟已从我们班转走。
- The magistrate was removed from office. 治安法官被免职。
- A few electrons may readily be removed from,or added to an atom. 有少数几个电子容易地从一原子上移去或加到一原子上。