- The enemy were reduced to the small island. 敌人被困在那个小岛上。
- The price has been reduced to the limit. 价格已经下降到临界点。
- The officer was reduced to the ranks. 这军官被降为士兵。
- This may be reduced to the much more condensed matrix form. 这可以简化成较精简的矩阵形式。
- The captain was reduced to the ranks. 这上尉被贬为普通兵了。
- Radiation exposure should be reduced to the minimum. 接受辐射应该:降到最低。
- But all can be reduced to the simple realm of ideas. 但归根结底属于各种范畴内的看法。
- After the election the party was reduced to a rump. 选举之后,该党的党员所剩无几了。
- The cancer victim was reduced to skin and bones. 那个癌症患者瘦得皮包骨。
- Borax must be reduced to powder for infants. 硼砂必须研成细粉才能供婴儿使用。
- Carrie was not to be reduced to the common level of observation. 嘉莉并不迁就那种平庸的看法。
- Sergeant Howard was reduced to the ranks for disregard of orders. 霍华德士官因为违抗命令而被降为小兵。
- Very general systems of differential equations can be reduced to the normal form. 形式很普通的微分方程组可以化为正规的形式。
- They were reduced to begging or starving. 他们穷得不行乞便挨饿。
- Your weight must be reduced to the standard weight,then you can be allowed to participate in the contest. 你必须减到标准体重,方可允许参加比赛。
- The city was reduced to ashes during the war. 战争期间这座城市化为灰烬。
- Who sells his freedom for gold will be reduced to the status of a slave forever. 以自由换取黄金者将永世为奴。
- The chalk was reduced to powder. 粉笔被碾成粉末
- This association was reduced to the person of Robert Menard. 这个协会已减少到人的罗伯特孟纳德。
- Your speed must be reduced to the city speed limit as soon as you cross the border. 一旦跨越边界,你的车速就要降到本市的限速之内。