- That the efforts of men and women are of no significance alongside the force of movements and events? 与诸多运动和事件的力量相比,男男女女的努力显得微不足?
- It proved to be of no practical help. 结果证明它没有什么实际作用。
- The basic features of the medieval taste awareness were as follows: the beauty was combined with the personal noble value or the absolute value; without noble value or absolute value, beauty was of no significance. 美和人生的崇高价值或者说绝对价值结合在一起,离开了人生的崇高价值、绝对价值,就没有真正的美,这是中世纪审美意识的基本特征。
- What he thinks about it is of no significance. 他对此事的想法没有什么意义。
- You'll be of no further value to us. 你对我们来说没有什么长远的价值了。
- That the efforts of men and women are of no significance alongside the force of movements and events now not all success, obviously, is worth esteeming, nor all ambition worth cultivating. 与诸多运动和事件的力量相比,男男女女的努力显得微不足?显然,并非所有的成功都值得景仰,也并非所有的抱负都值得追求。
- Your help can be of no earthly use to me. 你的帮助对我是劳而无功的。
- What he thinks about it is of no significance . 他对此事的想法没有什么意义。
- The advice we got was of no avail. 我们得到的建议完全没用。
- What he think about it is of no significance. 他对此事的想法没有什么意义。
- Speeches and protests were of no avail. 演讲和抗议全都徒劳。
- This backtrace appears to be of no use. 此回溯跟踪似乎没有用处。
- Significance level was P <0.05.RESULTSAge, weight, operation, CPB time, aorta clamped time and lowest nostril temperature were of no significant difference ( P > 0.05 ). 两组病人的年龄、体重、术式、手术时间、体外循环时间、主动脉阻断时间、最低鼻沮无显著性差异(P>0.;05)。
- It would be of no avail to act with undue haste. 操之过急,于事无补。
- Sex,side,age,duration of follow-up,combination with patella alta were of no significant effect on outcome. 性别、侧别、年龄、随访时间及是否合并高位髌骨对治疗结果无明显影响。
- Note:In the same column,means with different small letters are of significant different(P<0.05),with the same letters are of no significant(P>0.05). 注:同列中右肩标不同小写字母间差异显著(P<0.;05);标有相同字母间差异不显著(P>0
- All his riches are of no good to him if he is so ill. 如果他身体这么糟,那么他的所有财富对他毫无用处。
- Much of the information he gleaned was of no practical use. 他所搜集的许多信息没有实用价值。
- He tried and tried but all his efforts were of no avail. 他试了又试,但一切努力都不起作用。