- It's of no help to you if you swagger before me. 在我面前自吹自擂对你并没什么好处。
- He knew very well that they would be of no help to him, but since they were, all prisoners together he felt a certain amity to them. 他明知道骆驼不会帮助他什么,但他和它们既同是俘虏,好像必须有些同情。
- Pharaoh with his mighty army and great horde will be of no help to him in war, when ramps are built and siege works erected to destroy many lives. 敌人筑垒造台,与他打仗的时候,为要剪除多人,法老虽领大军队和大群众,还是不能帮助他。
- Widow desperately vociferant, can be of no help, by its rape or seduce. 寡妇拼命喊叫,可是无济于事,被其奸污了。
- It proved to be of no practical help. 结果证明它没有什么实际作用。
- Your help can be of no earthly use to me. 你的帮助对我是劳而无功的。
- Now you too have proved to be of no help; you see something dreadful and are afraid. 现在你们正是这样,看见惊吓的事便惧怕。
- I am only too glad to have been of help to you. 对你能有所帮助十分高兴。
- There is no help to be looked for in that quarter. 从那方面不能期待有任何的援助。
- You'll be of no further value to us. 你对我们来说没有什么长远的价值了。
- I hope I can be of some help to you. 我希望我对你有所帮助。
- Feeling himself a fool and a coward, he realized being a bookworm was of no help for him. 他感到自己是个笨蛋、是个懦夫,他意识到做一个书呆子对自己一点好处也没有。
- This backtrace appears to be of no use. 此回溯跟踪似乎没有用处。
- Furthermore, you are at the mercy of the developers - if no trace statement was inserted at a point you need, tracing is of no help to you. 而且,您要受开发人员的制约如果在您需要插入跟踪语句的某个地方没有插入跟踪语句,那么跟踪对您将毫无帮助。
- It would be of no avail to act with undue haste. 操之过急,于事无补。
- It is, in fact, of no help to depend upon kinds of righteous preaching to rectify malpractices and save the manners and morals of the time. 想靠形形色色的义的说教来匡正时弊,拯救世风人心,事实上无济于事。
- I'll be very glad if I could be of any help to you. 要能帮上忙,我会很高兴的。
- Must be that sending inward saving self from ability is the most effective , saying those highfalutin empty talks indeed, is of no help to the matter. 必须是发自内心的自救才能是最有效的,确实,说那些冠冕堂皇的空话是无济于事的。
- Zhang: We're very pleased to be of help to you. 张: 我们十分乐意协助。
- All his riches are of no good to him if he is so ill. 如果他身体这么糟,那么他的所有财富对他毫无用处。