- Why was the book thought to be not good enough for us to lean? 为什么认为这书不够好,我们不能看?
- His performance in the test was not good enough. 他在测验中做的不够好。
- The acting was not good enough to redeem the (awfulness of the) play. 该剧(很糟糕), 演得好也於事无补。
- Your son's behaviors really are not good enough. 你儿子的行为实在不好。
- The acting was not good enough to redeem the play. 该剧; 演得好也于事无补.
- Who else can say that I was not good enough. 有谁能说我未够。
- His initial answer was not good enough. 他最初的回答并不令人满意。
- To speak plainly, you are not good enough for her. 说实话,你配不上她。
- If I do things I think they are not good enough. 假如我做了事情,我就会认为没把它们做好。
- Yesterday's solutions are not good enough. 之前的解决方案不够好。
- Don't be such uppity. Do you really think that we are not good enough for you? 不要那么自以为了不起。你难道认为我们配不上你吗?
- He soon perceived that his English was not good enough. 他很快意识到他的英语不够好。
- I told him straight out that his work was not good enough. 我实话告诉他,他的工作不尽人意。
- I need to hire a new servant, the last one was not good enough. 我需要雇一个新的佣人,因为前一个不太称职。
- Hanson: But your post-event report was not good enough. 但是你的活动总结报告做得还不够好。
- But from my perspective, it still was not good enough. 但是从我的角度来说它还不是很好。
- Intuitions or the general rules are not good enough to solve this problem. 仅凭感性知识或笼统的规则,这一问题是不会得到解决的。
- It is he who is coming after me; I am not good enough to undo his shoes. 27就是那在我以后来的,我给他解鞋带,也不配。
- The place is big enough, but the acoustics are not good enough for a concert. 这个场子够大,可是音响效果不好,不适合用来开音乐会。
- The captain appealed against the light,ie said that the light was not good enough for the game to continue. 队长对光线提出异议(认为光线不好不宜继续比赛)。