- The two beliefs are mutually exclusive. 这两种信念是互不相容的。
- There is no reason why these two functions should be mutually exclusive. 没有理由说明这两个功能为什么不能同时存在。
- The two assertions are mutually exclusive, ie cannot both be true. 这两种说法相互排斥.
- To us the two are mutually exclusive. 对我们来说,这二者是互不相容的。
- Use of ID and Name are mutually exclusive. ID和Name的使用互相排斥。
- She has moved from the sexuality to the spirituality aspect and they don't need to be mutually exclusive. 她已经从性过渡到了精神方面,这两者并不一定是相互排斥的。
- Favoring economic development and sympathizing with "antigrowth" advocates need not be mutually exclusive, however. 不过,赞成经济发展与同情“反增长”理论并不一定相互排斥。
- Make two or more pleading which are mutually exclusive. 进行两个或两个以上的通常互相排斥的抗辩。
- However, some mapping operations are mutually exclusive. 但是,有些映射操作是互相排斥的。
- Projects also interact because they are mutually exclusive. 项目还因它们互相排斥而互动。
- Has been "money" and "love" seems to be mutually exclusive, antagonistic nature of things. 一直以来“金钱”与“爱情”似乎是水火不容,天生对立的东西。
- These two tools are mutually exclusive ways of selecting a drawing color, and users typically know which is appropriate for a given task. 这两个工具用两种不同的方法来选择绘图的颜色,用户通常都知道哪种方法更适合当前的工作。
- If life is an accident, it cannot conceivably have any purpose, for accident and purpose are mutually exclusive. 如果生命只是意外的产物,那就不可能有甚么目标,因为意外发生与目标根本是毫不相干的。
- The Identity parameter, Queue parameter, and Filter parameter sets are mutually exclusive. Identity参数、Queue参数和Filter参数的设置是互斥的。
- Attributes are mutually exclusive; if you use one of these attributes, you cannot use the other in the same page. 属性是互相排斥的;如果使用了其中一个属性,就不能在同一页中使用另一个属性。
- The two plans are mutually exclusive,ie If you accept one you must reject the other. 这两个方案是相互抵触的。
- The two plans are mutually exclusive, ie If you accept one you must reject the other. 这两个方案是相互抵触的.
- Furthermore, many contend that the concepts of divine creation and evolution are mutually exclusive beliefs. 另外,许多主张神的创造的概念和进化论是互相排斥的理念。
- They occupy different areas of the field now and one might as well debate whether John Terry and Gareth Barry are mutually exclusive. 如今杰拉德和兰帕德在场上占据不同的位置,认为他们俩互斥就如同认为特里和巴里在场上互斥一样可笑。
- Collation Compatible and Collation Name are mutually exclusive options. If you select Collation Compatible, the Collation Name selected will be cleared. Do you wish to continue? “兼容排序规则”与“排序规则名称”是互斥的选项。如果选择“兼容排序规则”,将会清除所选的“排序规则名称”。要继续吗?