- He'd been left for dead on the battlefield,but later on he turned up at the base hospital. 人们以为他已死在战场上了,但后来他却出现在后方医院。
- He'd been left for dead on the battlefield, but later on he turned up at the base hospital. 人们以为他已死在战场上了,但后来他却出现在后方医院。
- "Henrietta" was an innocent little girl when her entire family was massacred and she was left for dead. 以欧洲为舞台。一国的公共社会福利机构以为国家效力等种种理由召集了很多的女孩。
- No, it will not be left for another ten minute. 还没有。还有10分钟才开。
- Oh yes, songs about soiling yourself and being left for dead will haunt your very dreams. 记者:听说北极有几个月的时间一直是白昼,那你们怎样度过呢?
- I forked over some more.A vision was now clarifying in my mind: of my being driven to a quiet place, dragged from the car, beaten, probably knifed, having everything stolen and being left for dead. 我又拿出一些钱来,心里清楚地看见了将要发生的可怕情景:他们把我载到僻静的地方,把我从车里拉出来,打我,甚至用刀戳我,抢走我所有的东西,把我丢在那里等死。
- Nothing was left for him to hang on to. 他已经没有什么东西可以指靠的了。
- No,it will not be left for another ten minutes. 还没有。还有10分钟才开。
- Sufficient space must also be left for replacement latrines. 应当为替换厕所预留足够的面积。
- None were left for me to eat when I came back. 在我回来时,什么吃的东西也没剩下。
- The traveler budged his money so enough would be left for his return trip home. 那位旅行者把钱作了预算
- Left for dead, Jeff survives the ordeal, and devises the ultimate payback for his traitor. 幸高飞大难不死,继而发誓要与仇人判官决一死战!
- I was left no choice.= No choice was left for me. 我已经没有选择的馀地。
- Enough room should be left for you singnature so that it doesn't look cramped. 你要给你的签名留下足够的位置,这样看起来才显得不局促。
- I'm afraid no message has been left for you. 恐怕没有人给您留话。
- "But its swamps and marshes will not become fresh; they will be left for salt. 只是泥泞之地与洼湿之处不得治好,必为盐地。
- Nothing was left for him to hang onto. 他已经没有什么可以指望的了。
- How many armored soldiers are left for fighting? 我们还有多少甲兵可以应战?
- Chinese:Mr.Brown,you'll be leaving for home tomorrow. 中国人:布朗先生,你明天就要回国了。
- I am leaving for Geneva tonight. 今晚即动身前往日内瓦。