- The news were leaked to the paper. 这条消息被泄露到了报社。
- The plan is top-secret and we can't allow it to be leaked to anyone. 这个计划很机密,不得向任何人泄露。
- The contents of the report were leaked to the press. 报告的内容被泄露给了新闻界。
- The details of the plan have been leaked to the press to test public reaction. 该项计划的细节已泄露给新闻界,目的是为了试探公众的反应。
- Information about the government plan has been leaked to the Sunday papers. 关于政府计划的信息已泄露给《周日报》。
- The draft was leaked to the press and public outcry forced HHS to make changes. 这份草样被泄露至新闻媒体,之后公众的大力反对迫使卫生及公共服务部做出了改变。
- Prince Harry is back home, returning from Afghanistan's frontlines after his positon was leaked to the press. 哈里王子在他的行踪被泄露给媒体后便从阿富汗战场回到英国。
- Both parties to the merger deal played it close to the vest, so no word was leaked to the press before the deal was done. 这项合并案的双方行事都非常谨慎,所以在交易完成前,消息一直没有透露给新闻界。
- Details of his double figure signing on fee were leaked to the press and the player transferred the sum back to the Bayern account. 关于他的双倍转会费的细节被新闻界曝光,而这位球员也把这笔钱转还到了拜仁帐上。
- It is believed concerns were also raised after DIC's long term plans for the club, including a possible re-sale after seven years, were leaked to the Daily Telegraph. 可相信的是,DIC为俱乐部制定的长期计划也引起了注意,包括7年后转售的可能性,此事已经为每日电讯所披露。
- Shennan electricity from the movement, did not rule out gambling on the news of the termination of the agreement have been leaked to advance the interests of certain people. 从深南电的走势来看,不排除对赌协议终止的消息已被提前泄露给了某些利益中人。
- From this surgery, it was known that there was a leak in the recta and the dejecta was leaked to abdomen probably from the place where the stapler was used. 从第二次手术得知,病人是多发性肠间脓肿引起的感染性休克,怀疑造成感染的原因是直肠手术发生吻合口瘘(因直肠有漏洞造成粪便漏到腹腔而引起感染)。
- As a result of the leak to the press, heads will roll in White hall. 由于消息泄露给了新闻界,白厅有一些人将丢饭碗。
- The gas seems to be leaking out of this pipe . 这个管道似乎漏气。
- Out of the sixty cases, about50% were found to be leaking. 我们发现六十箱中有百分之五十左右是漏的。
- The radiator seems to be leaking like a sieve. 汽车的散热器就象筛子一样漏水。
- The gas seems to be leaking out of this pipe. 这个管道似乎漏气。
- A concrete wall is built to stop silt from leaking to the conservation land. 一道水泥墙修筑起来,用以防止泥沙流进保留地。
- A confidential message from Mr Ventura to his colleagues refers to leaks to the Italian media and notes that it would be “really unpleasant” if more sensitive material was leaked. 文图拉发给同事的一条秘密短讯提到了向意大利媒体走漏的消息,并指出如果有更多敏感材料泄露,将会“十分令人不快”。
- The details are supposed to be secret but somehow be leaked out. 这些细节原属秘密,可是不知怎么给泄露出去了。