- If you continue to behave like that,you will definitely face the danger of being laid under restraint. 假如你继续那样干,你肯定会面临被监禁的危险。
- be laid under restraint 被送入精神病院.
- The farmer is laid under restraint by a promise he made his father, mever to sell the homestead. 那农夫因答应其先父决不卖袓业而受到约束。
- The farmer is laid under restraint by a promise he made his father,never to sell the homestead. 那农夫因答应其先父决不卖袓业而受到约束。
- This field has been laid under grass. 这块地已经长满了草。
- A sewer can be laid under a river by using an inverted siphon, which considerably reduces the excavation. 管道在穿过河流时采取虹吸法穿过河底,这样可以大大减少土方工程。
- If a wire was laid under water, the current would all leak away. 导线如果放在水下,电流就会全部漏掉。
- Joe was laid under an obligation to support the two children he had deserted. 乔被判有义务抚养他先前遗弃的两个孩子。
- All the lands,all the climes,and all the arts are laid under tribute to furnish her forth. 所有的国度,所有的地域,所有的艺术,都必须向她俯首进贡为她装饰。
- The European Union has been lobbying for the TCGP, which would be laid under the Caspian Sea to Azerbaijan and would not go through Russian territory. TCGP路线将直接穿越里海海底到亚赛拜然,该协议之所以被形容为俄罗斯对西方的胜利,乃由于欧盟一直以来均主张TCGP路线不应过俄罗斯境内。
- Dogs should be kept under restraint. 狗应当有人看管。
- Otherwise, the place will be quickly forgotten, it will never be found when I am dead of the same malady, I shall be laid under some other heap of poor grass. 否则这地方很快就会被忘掉,等我害了同样的病死去之后,它就再也认不出来了。 他们会把我埋在另外一片可怜的草皮下面的。
- An innovative design in which intercepting main sewers are laid under streambed of a river in an old city is presented with a set of technical measures. 针对老城区内河岸上敷设污水截流干管存在困难的特点,提出河床下敷设截流干管的设计方案及相应的技术措施。
- Not to be laid flat; Never lie flat. 不可平放。
- Unlike for CPSSCC and DCS schemes where the larger diameter pipes would more likely need to be laid under road carriageways where more underground space is available. 与CPSSCC和DCS方案不同,它们采用大直径的管道,因此,在许多情况下需要铺设在有更大地下空间的行车道下。
- These fears ought now to be laid. 这些疑惧现在可以平息了。
- The accused man has been put under restraint. 被告已被拘押。
- A flagged path has to be laid straight as a die to look well. 用石板铺的小路应是笔直的才显得好看。
- On the map the drains of each field are laid sown. 地图上标有每一块地的排水沟。
- The boxer was laid out in the fifth round. 那个拳击手在第五回合中被击昏在地。