- Fortunately we are inured to hardships. 好在苦惯了。
- Farmers are inured to hard work. 农夫习惯于艰苦的劳动。
- be inured to hardship 习惯于困苦
- A younger son, you know, must be inured to self-denial and dependence. 你知道,一个小儿子可就不得不克制自己,仰仗别人。”
- I speak feelingly.A younger son, you know, must be inured to self-denial and dependence. 我有没有哪一次因为没有钱,想去什么地方去不成,爱买一样东西买不成?”
- Poverty have inured the beggar to hardship. 贫穷已使那乞丐惯于艰困。
- He is inured to fatigue, hardship and misfortune. 他惯于承受疲劳, 艰苦和不幸。
- Poverty has inured the beggar to hardship. 贫穷已使那乞丐惯于艰困。
- He had become inured to ridicule. 他已受惯了他人的讥笑。
- Men should be superior to hardship. 人不应向困难低头。
- He was inured to the cold. 他已经习惯于寒冷了。
- A stoic person responds to hardship with imperturbation. 坚忍克己之人经受苦难仍能泰然自若。
- After living here for years I've become inured to the cold climate. 我在此地居住多年,已习惯寒冷的气候。
- Poverty had inured the beggar to hardships. 贫穷已使那乞丐惯于艰难。
- To inure, as to hardship or ridicule. 使习惯于使习惯于,如艰苦或尴尬之境况
- Inured to massacres, I lived in thrall for ages. 漫漫岁月,屠杀和恐惧始终相随,
- To inure,as to hardship or ridicule. 使习惯于使习惯于,如艰苦或尴尬之境况
- But markets long ago grew inured to such numbers. 但市场早就习惯了这样的数字。
- His boyhood conditioned him to hardship. 他的少年时代使他习惯于逆境。
- He shows himself to be confident, addicted (almost compulsively) to hardship. 他显示他自己是个充满自信,不怕吃苦(几乎是自讨苦吃)的人。