- Felt it was incumbent on us all to help. 感到我们大家都来帮助是义不容辞的
- It was incumbent on them to attend. 他们必须出席。
- So we are incumbent on analysing correctly the thoughts and raising the discretion of the students. 正确分析社会思潮并提高青年学生对不良社会思潮的辨别力是德育工作者义不容辞的职责。
- It was incumbent on WIPO to mainstream the development dimension in all its programs, and ensure that it helped promote and protect intellectual property and ensured development. WIPO有责任在所有计划中使发展问题主流化,保证其有助于促进和保护知识产权以及保证发展。
- It's incumbent on you to warn them. 你有责任告诫他们。
- It's incumbent on you to advise your son before he leaves home. 在你儿子离家前给他忠告是你义不容辞的事。
- It is incumbent on me to reclaim him. 劝他改过是我义不容辞的义务。
- The quality or condition of being incumbent. 有义务负有义务的性质或状况
- felt it was incumbent on us all to help 感到我们大家都来帮助是义不容辞的
- It is incumbent on you to answer his question. 你有责任回答他的问题。
- It is incumbent on them to pay their own debts. 他们有义务偿还他们自己的债务。
- It's incumbent on us to give them whatever help we can. 竭尽全力帮助他们是我们义不容辞的责任。
- It be incumbent on us to check our fact before make an accusation 在控告前,检查事实是我们的责任
- It is incumbent on us to check our fact before make an accusation. 在控告前,检查事实是我们的责任。
- It is incumbent on [upon] you to answer his question. 你有责任回答他的问题。
- It' s incumbent on you to advise your son before he leaves home. 在你儿子离家前给他忠告是你义不容辞的事。
- But it is not incumbent on him to provide for her Hajj. 但支付朝觐费用并非丈夫义务。
- It is incumbent on you to give a father's advice before your son leaves home. 在儿子离家之前给他一点忠告,是作父亲应尽的义务。
- Lorry felt it incumbent on him to speak a word or two of reassurance. 罗瑞先生感到非得说几句话安慰她一下不可了。
- It is incumbent on all decent people to concentrate on destroying this evil. 集中力量消灭这恶魔是所有正派人士义不容辞的责任。