- be hot from the battle field 刚从战场归来
- Which will keep them from the battle fields of price wars. 说明其结果是使他们远离价格战的战场
- He always ran away from the battle within himself. 他总是逃避内心的斗争。
- The battle cry could be heard everywhere, and battle was hot and heavy. 四下里杀声震天,金鼓齐鸣。
- I feel sure they will not be far from the center of the battle when it comes. 我敢肯定,战斗打响后,他们不会离战场中心太远的。
- No word has come from the battle front. 前线尚未传来消息。
- The battle was hot and heavy. 那场战斗非常激烈。
- The rims of the wheels are burning hot from the friction. 轮胎的钢圈被摩擦得火热。
- The dog was all gore-blood when it came back from the battle. 当那只狗从战地回来的时候,全身鲜血淋漓。
- She was hot and breathless from the exertion of cycling uphill. 她骑车上山累得全身发热,喘不过气来。
- The messenger brought tidings from the battle front. 信差带来前线的音信。
- A babel of voices could be heard from the street. 可以听见街上一阵噪囔的声音。
- There are fewness soldiers survived from the battle. 在这场战役中只有少数士兵幸存下来.
- This lock can only be opened from the inside. 这把锁只能从里面打开。
- The messenger gasped out his story after running all the way from the battle. 传令兵从战场上长途跑回来后,气喘吁吁地说出了战况。
- It's going to be hot the day after tomorrow. 后天将非常热。
- He picked a melon from the field. 他从地里摘了一个甜瓜。
- In a modern coal burning electric generating plant the steam may be hot enough to ignite wood. 在一个烧煤的现代化发电厂内,蒸汽允许能热到足以把木头点燃起来。
- They expressed their sympathy for the returned soldiers from the battle. 他们向从战场上归来的士兵表示慰问。
- Many glassreinforced composites are translucent when removed hot from the press. 许多玻璃增强复合材料从热的压机上取下时是透明的。