- He hates to be haunted by the reporters. 他讨厌被记者们缠住。
- The castle is said to be haunted by a phantom. 据说那座城堡时常闹鬼。
- The building is said to be haunted by the ghost of a leper woman. 据说这幢大楼常有一个麻疯病女人的鬼魂出没。
- The school was said to be haunted by a giant ghost. 据说这个学校有一个巨大的鬼魂出没。
- For years she was haunted by guilt. 多年来她一直感到愧疚。
- He was haunted by his looming perils. 他为隐约呈现的灾祸提心吊胆。
- I was haunted by his last words to me. 他向我说的最后的话萦绕在我的心头。
- I was haunted by his last words to me . 他临终前对我说的话萦绕在我的心头。
- Everyone was haunted by the fear of war. 人人经常害怕战争。
- The building was said to be haunted by the ghost of a leper woman. 据说这幢大楼常有一个痲疯病女人的鬼魂出没。
- They will not be haunted by the shadowy doubt whether this or that form be a true species. 他们不会再被这个或那个类型是否是真实物种这个疑影所纠缠。
- They are haunted by war memories and by images of violence. 他们总是摆脱不掉战争的记忆和暴力肆虐的图景。
- Right now I think bilingually no matter what, or else I'll be haunted by inexplicable guilt. 现在我说什么话都得用双语思考,否则有种莫名奇妙的内疚感。
- I was haunted by the idea that she might die any time. 我的心头老是想到她随时都会死去。
- He was haunted by memories of the war for the rest of his life. 他的余生都被战争的记忆所纠缠。
- He was haunted by the headlines and the face of a child. 他念念不忘报纸的大标题和一个小孩子的脸。
- On his way home he came to a forest which was haunted by a monster. 在回家的路上,王子走进一座森林,那里有一个怪物出没。
- And so the house came to be haunted by the unspoken phrase: There must be more money! 从此,冥冥之中有个声音在这座房子里回荡着:“必须有更多的钱!
- I was haunted by a line from Colette: “What a wonderful life I've had! Colette的一句话让我着迷:“我曾拥有过多么精彩的生活!
- He was haunted by the feeling that a stout and honest bit of perjury was worth more than a letter to a daily paper. 他心里索绕着一种感觉:大胆地、诚实地去犯下一桩假证罪,要比给日报写一封信有价值得多。