- It was fueled by oil in enormous quantities. 它以巨量的汽油作燃料。
- The company was thought to be relatively free from the corruption and cronyism that had spread through Venezuela, fuelled by oil wealth. 在委内瑞拉这个以石油财富作为推动力的国家,人们认为该公司基本不存在席卷全国的贪污腐败和任人唯亲等弊病。
- be fuelled by oil 靠油燃烧
- Asia's love affair with real estate has been fuelled by easy money and accommodative government policies. 过去,亚洲人是在简易贷款以及政府鼓励性政策的推波助澜下,对房地产产生迷恋的。
- In the past,Asia's love affair with real estate has been fuelled by easy money and accommodative government policies. 过去,亚洲人是在简易贷款以及政府鼓励性政策的推波助澜下,对房地产产生迷恋的。
- Car engines are fueled by gasoline. 汽车是用汽油当燃料发动的。
- Melbourne's residents are fuelled by the best coffee in Australia, yet the city still runs at a slow pace. 全澳大利亚最好的咖啡给墨尔本的居民补充着能量,然而这个城市依然以低速运行。
- Germany's export machine has been fuelled by vigorous demand in emerging economies. 新兴市场的强大需求为德国这架出口机器加足了油。
- It occurred to me that, only a generation before mine, automobiles had been fuelled by gasoline. 在我看来,在我的上一代,汽车已经开始用汽油驱动了。
- The rise was fuelled by a spike in financial sector income, which soared by 94.9 per cent, as companies slashed costs and cut jobs. 金融业收入的跃升推动了企业利润增长,由于企业削减成本及裁员,金融业收入飙升94.;9%25。
- The National Bureau of Statistics said the overall increase in the consumer price index was fueled by rises in food and oil prices. 国家统计局称,食品和石油价格的上涨促成了消费者价格指数的整体上扬。
- The inflation has been fueled by the military spending. 军事上的开支,对通货膨胀是火上加油。
- But she was fueled by having a story she wanted to share. 但是她被藉由有她想要分享的一个故事加燃料。
- A demand that's been fueled by rising incomes and falling car prices. 收入的增加和汽车价格的降低更加促进了这个需求。
- The violence was fuelled by rumours of killings, beatings and detention of Buddhist monks by security forces in Lhasa this week. 这次暴力事件被一些谣言煽动--谎称当局在这周杀害,殴打和拘留了拉萨的一些佛教徒。
- Yet suspicions endure and will be hard to shift. Inside India's defence establishment, they are fuelled by three aspects of China's policy. 然而,猜忌仍挥之不去并且难以消除。在印度防务圈内部,中国政策的三方面内容加剧了这些猜忌。
- THE autumn harvest festivals that light up Japan's rural landscape are fuelled by prodigious servings of sake followed by heavy hangovers. 在让日本乡间大地炫目闪亮的秋季丰收节日里,人们大饮清酒一醉方休。
- Much of this growth was fuelled by the demand for producer services by Hong Kong's globalised production network and the trend to source goods and services globally. 服务业迅速增长的主要原因,是香港的全球生产网络对各式各样与生产制造有关的支援服务需求大增,以及货物和服务的采购日趋全球化。
- His legend has been fuelled by the image of the bearded sage,inspired by his self-portrait drawing,now in Turin,and by the biographies that begin with the work by Giorgio Vasari. 他那现存于都灵的自画像所创造的长髯飘飘的圣者形象和由乔尔乔·凡萨里开始的各种传记使得关于他的传说变得更加神奇。
- Chips,chicken pieces,etc can be completely covered by oil and deep-fried. 将土豆条、鸡块等完全浸入油中炸叫deep-fry