- You'll be for it if you break the cups. 若是你打碎杯子,你就等着挨骂吧。
- You'll be for it if Father gets to know what you're doing. 要是爸爸知道你在做什么,有你的苦头吃了。
- You'll be for it when your mother finds out what you've done. 如果你母亲发现你所干的事情,你就要挨训了。
- I cant tell you how sorry I am for it. 我为此感到极为遗憾。
- If your father finds out you've not been to school for 3 days,you'll be for it. 如果你父亲发现你有3天没上学,你肯定要受罚的。
- I was for it, but I encountered many conscientious scruples. 我赞成那点,可是我受到许多良心上的责备。
- Montano. I am for it, lieutenant; and I'll do you justice. 蒙太诺赞成,副将,您喝我也喝。
- He bought a new car but it turned out to be for the worse. 他买了一辆新车,但是还不如旧的好。
- He paid for it out of his own pocket. 他是自己掏腰包的。
- His offence is so serious that I doubt whether he can be pardoned for it. 他的过错十分严重。我怀疑他是否会得到原谅。
- It looks like rain; we'd better run for it. 天像是要下雨了,我们赶紧快跑吧。
- But I make up for it in the evening. 可是到了晚上我就补回来了。
- Suzhou might just as well be likened to Pisa, for it has a leaning tower also. 苏州不妨可以和比萨相比,因为它也有一座斜塔。
- If you're caught stealing you'll be for the high jump. 偷东西被人抓住就要受到严厉的惩罚。
- It will be for the judge to decide. 这要由法官来决定
- I've looked for it all over the shop. 我到处都找过了。
- He is directly responsible for it. 他直接负责那件事。
- It's a good idea, so try to get a hearing for it. 这是个好主意,要想办法加以申述。
- If you need anything, just sing out for it. 你需要什麽东西就大声说出来。
- It would be for the better if you stopped drinking. 如果你不再饮酒,那就更好了。