- An artist should be fit for the best society and keep out of it. 艺术家应该适合最高阶层社会而又应置身于其外。
- He turned out to be fit for the position. 结果证明他是胜任这一职务的。
- Dick is believed to be fit for the position. 人们相信迪克适合这一职务。
- All hair must be 1 foot long to be fit for the wig. 同时为了符合假发制作的要求,所收购的头发长度必须要达到1英尺。
- All will be fit for the internationals coming up. 他们三人都能参加即将到来的国家队比赛。
- An artist shall be fit for the best society and keep out of it. 艺术家应该适合最高阶层社会而又应置身于外。
- It is believed that Dick will be fit for the position. 人们相信,狄克将是这个职位的合适人选。
- I ought to be fit for work at the end of the month. 到月底时,我应该可以工作了。
- It is believed that the new manager will be fit for the position. 人们相信这个新经理会称职的。
- The ship delivered shall be fit for the agreed service. 交付的船舶应当适于合同约定的用途。
- The ship delivered shall be fit for the intended service. 交付的船舶应当适于约定的用途。
- Can you prove (yourself) to be fit for the position? 你能证明自己胜任这个职位吗?
- Of the seven bicycles we had, only two were fit for the road. 我们拥有的七辆自行车中仅有两辆适合走这条路。
- He went to the tailor's to be fitted for a coat. 他去裁缝店试穿大衣。
- Their appearance is very beautiful, for in each lies a glittering pearl, which would be fit for the diadem of a queen. 这是怪好看的,因为每个蚌壳里面含有亮晶晶的珍珠。随便哪一颗珍珠都可以成为皇后帽子上最主要的装饰品。
- By the time men are fit for company, they see the objections to it. 到人们适合为伴的时候,他们又发现异议了。
- be fit for the standardprep. 合乎标准
- After the interview,the employer concluded that she was fit for the job. 面试后,老板下结论说她能胜任这项工作。
- Her fitness for the job should not be questioned. 她能胜任这项工作是无庸质疑的。
- The content of lecithin was more than 98%,the percentage of oxidation was very low,and the results of studies on the quality standard were fit for the USP. 结果:试验制备的卵磷脂为色谱均一的物质,含量高于98%25,其氧化程度低,各项质量指标均符合美国药典规定。