- German cars are different than ours. 德国造的汽车和我们的不一样。
- She was different than any other girls he had ever known. 她跟他所认识过的女孩都不同。
- Times are different than they used to be. 现今的时代不同于以往。
- However, the current betelnut business is far different than before. 不过,现在的槟榔业与以前大不相同。
- Notice that this may be different than the final destination for the message. 注意,这可能与消息的最终目的地不同。
- You look different than before. 你看上去跟从前不同了。
- Wellness for men sometimes may be different than wellness for women. 男人的健康有时候和女人的健康是不一样的。
- be different than before 和以往不同
- In some cases, errors returned by Visual Basic 2005 may be different than those returned by Visual Basic 6.0. 在某些情况下;Visual Basic 2005返回的错误可能与Visual Basic 6.;0返回的那些错误不同。
- The returned response object may be different than the requested object if the server returns a different response. 如果服务器返回其他响应,则返回的响应对象可能不同于请求的对象。
- Memories is old pics. But, be different than before. Now, these memories in shadowland of world. 往日的影子就是这种老照片,跟以往不同的是它存在于虚拟世界里。
- But you, at that time, will look and feel and be different than the human spirit that sits here tonight. 但是到那时候,你会和今晚坐在这里的这个人类精灵看起来和感觉起来都不一样。
- China's economic co-ordinates may be different than thought, but its trajectory is much the same. 这可能改变了中国经济的坐标,但是中国经济的运行轨道却没有变化。
- It can be gashed but no nicks could leave.I don't care if the water is of any difference than before, it looks alright is enough. 我不介意被划过的水是不是原来的水,看上去一样就好了。
- Then your policy must be more flexible than before. 那么你们的政策肯定比过去灵活了。
- Does he possess powers or wisdom that are different than ours, which is why he is venerated as an Arhat? 有什么智慧?跟我们什么不同的?不然的话,为什么叫他阿罗汉?
- He was markedly more pleasant than before. 他比以前和气多了。
- Note that this may be different than the property name (if the column name is explicit). 注意这个和类的属性名有点区别-注意类的属性和它所对应的字段名可能不同(如果字段名是显式指定的话)。
- He is much more experienced than before. 他比以前老练多了。
- Reading and writing are different skills. 阅读与写作是不同的技能。