- The mines have been closed by a strike. 由于罢工矿井关闭了。
- Set whether the dialog can be closed by a button. 设置是否可以被按钮关闭。
- None of his relatives are close by. 他的亲属没有一个关系密切的。
- If no other poles zeros are close by, the breakaway point will be halfway. 如果附近没有极点或者零点,则突破点(汇合点)必定在(两个开环极点/开环零点)的中间。
- The bookstore will be closed by the time I get there. 我到那里时书店讲关门了。
- Ralph, Jr. and his friends laugh. People who are close by run away in fear. 小拉尔夫和朋友们大笑起来。附近的人都害怕地跑开了。
- The club was closed by the police. 那家夜总会被警察查封了。
- The road to the summit was closed by a barrier. 通往山顶的道路被路障封住了。
- Both fractures and vugs may be closed or partially closed by precipitated calcite or other similar material. 裂缝和岩穴被方解石沉淀物或其它类似的物质完全或部分地封闭。
- For the out doors and golf enthusiasts, the scenic hinterland and premier golf courses are close by. 户外运动及高尔夫球爱好者还会欣喜地发现酒店附近建有风景如画的自然空间以及高级高尔夫球场。
- Sadness was close by, so love asked for help, "sadness, let me go with you." "oh love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself! 悲伤靠近了,于是爱向她求救,"悲伤,让我和你一起走吧!"悲伤回答,"哦,爱,你看我如此悲伤,就让我独自待着吧!
- However, in order to optimize the query operation, Some Database middleware such as MOCHA ship part of codes to the distant sites which are close by the database. 然而,某种数据库中间件(如:MOCHA)为了减少网络数据传输量,实现查询优化,就把部分代码类迁移到近数据库站点进行数据缩减运算。
- Windows that are closed in the default window layout are closed by the command. 默认窗口布局中关闭的窗口将由该命令关闭。
- The file handle is guaranteed to be closed by this method, even if exceptions are raised. 即使会引发异常,也使用此方法保证文件句柄已关闭。
- To live or be situated close by. 邻近住在或位于附近
- Two other ships, the USS Decatur and the USS Russell, were close by, and part of the task force, run by the Army Space and Missile Defence Command in Colorado Springs. 美国海军的另两艘战舰,"迪凯特"号和"罗素"号也在附近待命。同时待命的还有位于科罗拉多州斯普林的"陆军空间与导弹防御指挥部"的特遣队。
- Note: For other methods of folding, all openings exceed 90mm should be closed by means of adhesive tape. 备注:如以其他方法折叠,所有超过90毫米的开口,必须以胶纸封口。
- To detect the light signal from the planet alone, scientists first used Spitzer to measure the combined spectrum of the star and planet when the planet was close by the star. 为了探测到星系行星单独的光信号,当行星靠近主星的时候科学家们先用“斯必择”测量恒星与行星混合的光谱。
- The cinema will be closed till further notice. 那家电影院将关闭,何时开放另行通知。
- An opening or a structure framing an opening, such as an arch, that may be closed by a gate. 门框一开口处或形成一武器的构造,例如拱,可被一大门关闭