- They are bold to do drug traffic on city streets. 他们很大胆,在大街上非法进行的毒品交易。
- Be bold to speak up, don't be afraid of making mistakes! 大胆讲话,别怕出错!
- In learning English, one should be bold to talk in the language with his friends. 在学习英语时,应当大胆地用英语和同学交谈。
- He trained them to be bold selfless fighters for the interests of the people. 他培养他们成为为人民利益奋斗的勇敢无私的战士。
- We may be bold to say that all the intelligence and knowledge we learned are ready for the grand larcenist's stealing. 我们更可以大胆的说,这世间的所有智慧、知识都是在为大盗储蓄财富。
- I shall call hills steep which ought to be bold. 我会把本应被称作嵯峨的山岗叫作陡坡。
- Once he made bold to air his views. 有一次他大胆提出了自己的看法。
- I determined to be bold and speak the truth. 我决心大胆把真话讲出来。
- Given these other factors, and the limited usefulness of a higher currency, it would be bold to bet on another big revaluation. 考虑到这些因素,以及货币升值的有限益处,押注人民币的再次大幅升值,将是一种冒失的做法。
- Living real humbly!, I learned to be bold. 真正卑微地活着,我学会了无所畏惧。
- I make bold to ask you a favour [give you a piece of advice]. 我冒昧地求你一件事[给你提一个意见]。
- We may be bold to say that all the intelligence and knowledge we learned which are supposed designing to protect us, are ready for the grand larcenist's stealing. 我们更可以大胆的说,这世间那些设计来保护我们的智慧、知识等其实都是在为大盗做准备工作。
- Be bold, and mighty forces will come to your aid. 坚强一些,威力事物自会来助你。
- AS LEHMAN BROTHERS mulls the sale of its valuable asset-management business, it must know that any deal needs to be bold to clear the clouds hanging over the firm. 曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)正在考虑出售其宝贵的资产管理业务。该公司必须明白的是,要消除投资者对它的疑虑和担心,这笔交易必须进行得坚决果断。
- Living real humbly!,I learned to be bold. 真正卑微地活着,我学会了无所畏惧。
- May be is so bold to ask how old are you? 可否冒昧问一下您多大了?
- I've made bold to call on you at such a late hour. 我很冒昧这样晚来找你。
- May I make bold to borrow a half-crown from you? 我可以冒昧地向你借半克郎硬币吗?
- We must not close our doors for fear of enemy agents,our set policy being boldly to expand our Party. 不可因为怕奸细而把自己的党关起门来,大胆地发展党是我们已经确定了的方针。
- We must not close our doors for fear of enemy agents, our set policy being boldly to expand our Party. 不可因为怕奸细而把自己的党关起门来,大胆地发展党是我们已经确定了的方针。