- Her financial problems are beyond remedy. 她的财政问题是无法补救了。
- to be beyond remedy; to be irremediable; to be irreparable 无可补救
- The jewels were said to be beyond price. 据说那些珠宝价值连城。
- A man who hardens his neck after much reproof Will suddenly be broken beyond remedy. 箴29:1人屡次受责罚、仍然硬著颈项.他必顷刻败坏、无法可治。
- Such philosophical subtleties are beyond my reach. 这种深奥的哲理我可无法理解。
- His treatment of her was beyond endurance. 他这样对待她是无法忍受的。
- Without reasoning one is apt to be beyond control. 没有理智容易变成不受约束。
- His rudeness was beyond my patience. 他的粗暴使我无法忍受。
- I'd say running a factory may be beyond me. 我看经营一家工厂非我力所能及。
- Her illness is beyond remedy. 她的病不可救药。
- Abstract words are beyond the ken of children. 抽象的词语是幼童所无法理解的。
- The piece of jewellery was beyond price. 那件首饰是无价之宝。
- He who hardens his neck after being often reproved Will suddenly be broken beyond remedy. 1人屡次受责备,仍然硬着颈项,他必顷刻破败,无法可治。
- These are the facts that are beyond controversy. 这是一些无可争辩的事实。
- Her conduct was beyond criticism. 她的品行无可指责。
- Her mental anguish was beyond words. 她内心的痛苦难以用言语形容。
- His behavior was beyond bearing. 他的行为令人忍无可忍。
- Her looks are beyond comparison. 她的美貌无与伦比。
- His heroism was beyond all praise. 他的英勇行为使人赞美不尽。
- I'm afraid composing a symphony might be beyond me. 谱写交响乐曲恐怕非我能力所能及。