- The project was beset with difficulties. 这项工程困难重重。
- The matter was beset with difficulties. 那件事困难重重。
- The plan was beset with difficulties. 这个计划困难重重。
- Our plan was beset with difficulties. 我们的计划一再难产。
- The plan was beset with difficulties from the beginning. 该计划一开始就困难重重。
- Almost from the outset,the extravaganza was beset with difficulties. 几乎从一开始,这一盛事就被种种困难所困扰。
- Almost from the outset, the extravaganza was beset with difficulties. 几乎从一开始,这一盛事就被种种困难所困扰。
- Fancy an old friend of yours not lending you a hand when you are beset with difficulties. 亏得他还是你的老朋友, 你有困难他都不帮忙。
- The crown was beset with diamonds and jewels. 皇冠上镶嵌着钻石和珠宝。
- The country was beset with many problems. 这个国家被许多困难所困扰。
- The project is beset with difficulties. 这项工程困难重重。
- A revolutionary's life used to be beset with dangers and hardships. 一个革命者的生活中往往充满危险和艰难。
- That country is beset with difficulties at home and abroad. 那个国家目前内外交困。
- Is it easy to bear up when one is beset with difficulties on all sides? 当一个人四面楚歌时,鼓起勇气很容易吗?
- The voyage was beset with dangers. 这次航程充满了危险.
- Is it easy to bear up when one is beset with difficulties on all sides ? 当一个人四面楚歌时,鼓起勇气很容易吗?
- The expedition was beset with dangers. 那次探险险情四伏。
- Almost from the outset, the extravaganza was beset with difficulties 几乎从一开始,这一盛事就被种种困难所困扰。
- The new policy was beset with problems. 新政策遭到种种问题的困扰。
- The crown was beset with pearls,emeralds and rubies. 王冠上镶嵌珍珠、翡翠和红宝石。