- He was beaten by one vote. 他以一票之差落
- be beaten by one vote 以一票之差落选
- Don't let yourself be beaten by an amateur. 不要让自己给一个业余运动员打败了。
- Should the SAR Chief Executive be elected by one person one vote in 2012? 你认为2012年应否举行一人一票之特区特首的选举?
- Be beat by a newcomer have really take the wind out of his sail. 一个新来的人就比他强,他觉得很窝囊。
- If an artist slackens the pace, he will be beaten by his rivals. 假如一位艺术家放慢步伐,和他竞争的人就要把他打倒。
- She was beaten by the Polish and Lithuanian gentry. 它败于波兰和立陶宛士绅。
- Being beaten by a newcomer has really taken the wind out of his sails. 一个新来的人就比他强,他觉得很窝囊。
- They have been beaten by an outstanding team. 他们已被一优秀的球队所击败。
- The SIGG-Bottle cannot be beaten by weather, even in the roughest climate. 希格水瓶不会被任何天气所挫败,甚至是在最恶劣气候中。
- She was beaten by the Swedish feudal lords. 它败于瑞典封建领主。
- Finally, in 1978, the Senate approved it by one vote more than the necessary two-thirds. 1978年,议会终于以比必须的三分之二票多出一票的优势使其批准通过。
- She was beaten by the Mongol khans. 它败在蒙古可汗手中。
- She was beaten by the Turkish beys. 它败于土耳其大公。
- These trees have been beaten by the breeze. 这些树被微风吹打着。
- They have been beaten by the home team. 他们队输给了主队。
- On the way home, he was beaten by Tom. 在回家的路上,他被汤姆打了。
- Our army was beaten by sheer weight of numbers. 纯粹是由于敌众我寡,我军才遭到失败的。
- The legislature may balk at authorising lethal injections; last year a bill to repeal the death penalty itself failed by one vote. 立法机关也许会在批准注射死刑的问题上有所犹豫;去年,一项废除死刑的法令在一次投票中被否决。
- This year it is being beaten by both. 今年则一路被后者追上。