- Thing may be bad at the moment, but keep your pecker up. 现在可能情况不太好,但你要打起精神。
- Thing may be bad at the moment,but keep your pecker up. 现在可能情况不太好,但你要打起精神。
- Lottery A tax on people who are bad at math. 彩票对数学不好的人课税。
- Things may be bad at the moment but keep your pecker up and I'm sure they will get better. 目前情况也许不好,但你不要灰心,我相信会好转起来的。
- He is in poor health. He can be ill at any time. 他体质很差,任何时候都有可能生病。
- She was ill at ease for she was stranger there. 她在那人生地不熟,感到很不安。
- People are bad at second-guessing posterity. 人类很难预言以后的事。
- Johnny had never been to a big party before and he was ill at ease. 约翰尼以前从示参加过大型晚上,他感到局促不安。
- Maybe it's because I am bad at math that I am always broken. 可能是由于我数学不好,所以老是一文不名。
- Things may be bad at the moment, but keep your pecker up.Everything will be all right. 现在可能情况不太好,但你要打起精神,一切都会好的。
- Things may be bad at the moment, but keep your pecker up. Everything will be all right. 现在可能情况不太好,但你要打起精神,一切都会好的。
- I am bad at English, but she is worse. 我的英语不好;她的就更糟了.
- I am bad at pronunciation, but he is worse than me. 我的发音差,但他比我更差。
- You are bad at grammar, you must spend more time on it. 你语法不行,你得在这方面多花些时间。
- The wind gusts were bad at times, so I never could relax for long. 该风力有时是坏,所以我从来没有可以放松太久。
- She was ill at ease in the presence of strangers. 她在生人面前感到不安。
- With two sons bedridden,Mrs Smith was ill at ease. 两个儿子病在床上,史密斯夫人非常焦急。
- She was ill at ease with strangers. 她跟陌生人在一起很不自在。
- I was ill at all time since arrived here. 打从我来到此地就一直在生病。
- You must bear in mind that she was ill at the time. 你必须记住,她当时是生病。