- When would you be available to start work here? 你什么时候可以开始来这边上班?
- They will be available to try out on the PTR. 它们将可以在PTR上被测试。
- Ask what time they are available to show it to you. 问他们什么时间有空让你们看房子。
- No one was available to answer on camera. 没人肯回答记者的质询。
- What zones are available to place the portal? 哪些区域可以用来放置门户?
- All columns that are available to any group. 对任何组都可用的所有栏。
- These goods are available to members only. 这些商品只提供给会员使用。
- Ask what time they will be available to show it to you... 问他们什么时间有空让你们看房子。
- When can you take delivery of(= be available to receive)the car? 你何时能提取那辆汽车?
- Even doctors will be available to talk to you about a condition. 甚至医生将会是可得对你说有关一种情况的。
- JANICE: So, when would you be available to see them? 你什么时候有时间去看看房子?
- Elementary education should be available to all children. 所有的儿童都应当接受初等教育。
- Nobody in authority was available to take advantage of the offer of a reduced price for a bulk order, so I ordered twice our normal requirement on my own initiative. 当时没有负责的人在场能大批订购削价货,因此我主动地订购了比我们正常需要多两倍的货物。
- Great. When will your new MP3 player be available to the public? 好极了。你们新的MP3播放器什麽时候上市?
- When will Mr. Richards be available to speak with me? 理查先生什么时候会有空和我讲话?
- Racing will be available to both Seabreacher J and ARL models. 您可以驾驶J型或ARL型海豚飞艇参加比较。
- A whole array of support vehicles will be available to all factions. 所有的阵营都有大批的补给车辆可用。
- Our staff will be available to answer your call during office hours. 本处职员会在办公时间内接听来电。
- All personnel files must be available to Nike or a Nike designee upon request. 所有的人员档案在Nike需要的时候都必须可以提供。
- If you need immediate assistance, in-world Liaisons may be available to help. 如果你需要立即在线帮助,世界里面的联络员可以帮助你。