- The whole world seemed to be at the party. 聚会上好像每个人都来了。
- I have to be at the office extra early tomorrow. 我明天必须很早就到达办公室。
- Mum told me to keep the kettle at the boil. 妈妈叫我让壶里的水一直沸腾着。
- Whoever can that be at the door? 在门口的究竟是谁呢?
- After an hour of waiting I was at the boiling point. 一个小时的等待后我已经极度愤怒了。
- His successor as the chairman will be at the conference. 接替他担任主席的人将参加本次会议。
- In any case, you'll need to be at the station by nine. 无论如何你都要在九点钟前赶到车站。
- It is better to be at peace with your rivals at the party. 在聚会上,你最好同你的对手和睦相处。
- Someone must be at the bottom of this affair. 这件事一定有人在背后支持。
- I can not get through to her that I have to be at the airport by2: 15. 我无法让她明白必须在两点一刻之前赶到机场。
- We were at the tail of the bus queue. 我们立在公车候车队伍的末尾。
- How long has the present director been at the helm? 现任主任掌权多久了?
- All the world and his wife were at the ball. 所有上流社会人士都参加了这个舞会。
- He says he was at the cinema, but I know different. 他说他那时在看电影,可是我知道不是那麽回事。
- What time would you like to be at the airport? 您几点要到达机场?
- You need to be at the very front of the bus. 你最好在公共汽车最前面。
- It will be at the cost of human liberty. 那将以人的自由为代价。
- I'm not supposed to be at the party. 我不该在聚会上露面。
- All the big names in the pop music world are at the party. 流行音乐界的头面人物都参加了聚会。
- Leon was out of work and broke, and he was at the end of his rope. 利昂失了业,身无分文,已是山穷水尽了。