- With this insult,my patience was at an end. 受了这个侮辱,我的忍耐到头了。
- I began to hope that the farce was at an end. 我真恨不得这出滑稽戏就此散场。
- It seemed that the world was at an end. 似乎世界末日来临。
- Twenty days later his own time was at an end. 二十天后他的生命也走到尽头。
- The games we've played till now are at an end. 我们的伪装游戏已至尾声。
- Everything between them was at an end. 他们间一切都结束了。
- With this insult my patience was at an end. 受道这样的侮辱,我的忍耐也就耗尽了。
- By the time of the inquest, the wildfowl season was at an end. 在那次调查开始时,到了打猎季节的尾声。
- When our day's work was at an end we hastened there. 当天工作一结束, 我们就急忙赶到那里。
- And so Laura, with a sigh, was obliged to confess that the romantic part of her first friendship was at an end. 这样,露拉叹了口气,只得承认,她的第一次友谊的浪漫阶段业已结束。
- It seemed that the world was at an end as the earthquake destroyed nearly everything. 世界似乎到了末日,因为地震几乎毁了一切。
- Days of humming, hawing and after-youing were at an end, and the people had a champion. 这一决定终于结束了连日以来的犹豫不决和甘为人后,使人民有了自己的领袖。
- But he would lie there cold and white and make no sign -- a poor little sufferer, whose griefs were at an end. 他的眼睛被泪水蒙住了,只要眼睛一眨,泪水就会淌出来,顺着鼻尖往下掉。
- After a time, tired by his dancing apparently, he settled on the window ledge in the sun. and the queer spectacle being at an end, I forgot about him. 过了一会儿,他显然飞累了,落在阳光下的窗台上。奇怪的场面一结束,我也就把他忘了。
- When the Senate gave him the title Augustus (the exalted) the Republic was at an end and Octavian became for practical purposes the first Roman emperor. 当元老院授予他“奥古斯都” (崇高的)称号时,共和制已经走到了尽头,实际上,屋大维成了罗马帝国的第一位皇帝。
- Our hunt for a cheaper but larger house is at last at an end. 我们想寻找一幢便宜些但要大些的房子的事终于有了结果。
- "Kratos talks with Athena again" Athena: Your battles are at an end Kratos. Your Journey is over, take these steps to Olympus and your place amoung the Gods. 雅典娜:“你的战争已经结束了,克瑞托斯,你的旅程结束了。是时候走向奥林匹斯众神,身处其中的时候了。
- My hopes rose high and methought my evil days were at an end, and Istood waiting for alms to be given unasked and for wealth scattered on all sides in the dust. 我的希望高升,我觉得我苦难的日子将要告终,我站著等候你自动的施与,等待那散掷在尘埃里的财宝。
- The war was at an end. 战争结束了。
- After a time, tired by his dancing apparently, he settled on the window ledge in the sun, and the queer spectacle being at an end, I forgot about him. 过了一会儿,他显然飞累了,落在阳光下的窗台上。奇怪的场面一结束,我也就把他忘了。