- Do you wish to be assured of going to heaven? 你想确保进入天堂吗?
- You can be assured of prompt shipment. 我们想贵方保证立即装运。
- Pls be assured of our close cooperation. 请放心,我们将密切合作。
- I will help if I can. Be assured of it. 如果能的话我会帮忙的,我很确定。
- You can be assured of eternal life here and now. 此时此刻你就可以得到永生的保证。
- The state must be assured of the largest share of profits. 保证国家得大头。
- John was assured of her ability to solve the problem. 约翰确信她有解决该问题的能力。
- You are assured of a warm welcome at this hotel. 你在这家旅馆肯定会受到热情欢迎。
- Visitors to our shop are assured of a gracious reception . 光临本店的顾客保证受到礼貌接待。
- You can be assured of just how strong this engine is! 别克 lacrosse 君越强悍“心脏”由此而生
- How can I be assured of a fast customer support response? 如何得到最快的客户服务?
- You can also be assured of long-term access and retrieval. 你还可以进行长期存取和调用。
- They are assured of an enjoyable and trouble-free holiday. 他们肯定会过一个愉快的无忧无虑的假日。
- Be assured of my constancy to yours, and of my appreciation of them. 我保证对你忠贞不渝;你的美德,铭记在我心间。
- You can be assure of our best attention at all times. 我们乐意随时效劳。
- Will you be assured of a career and adequate salary if you go there? 你到那里去能保证有职业和足够的收入吗?
- In the meantime, please be assured of our most cordial good wishes a... 同时,请牢记我们最诚挚的心愿和为您服务的热望。
- I am assure of our close cooperation. 我保证通力合作。
- In the meantime,please be assured of our most cordial good wish and of our desire to be of service. 同时,请牢记我们最诚挚的心愿和为您服务的热望。
- We have full confidence in our victory; We are assured of our victory. 我们有必胜的把握。