- Since he is as silly as a goose, he will not get a promotion. 既然他如此的不开窍,他肯定得不到提升的。
- Jane did such a thing, she is really as silly as a goose. 简竟然干出这种事, 她实在是太蠢了。
- be as silly as a goose 傻极了
- "Since he is as silly as a goose, he will not get a promotion." 既然他如此的不开窍,他肯定得不到提升的
- as silly as a goose 蠢极了
- The idea of artificially making something that exists naturally in an endless stream might appear to be as silly as, oh, I don't know, cloning sheep. 一再有人企图运用人工手法,制造某些自然界中早已存在的东西,这主意或许看来就跟复制羊一样蠢。
- The treaty may be considered to be as dead as a doornail. 这项条约可以认为是完全作废了。
- I know my father--he will be as cool as a cucumber. 我了解我父亲--他会保持冷静的。
- To make rapid,low muttering or quacking sounds,as a goose or duck. 发出嘎嘎声如鹅或鸭等发出急促、低沉含混的声音或嘎嘎声。
- On Sunday night he was as quiet as a mouse. 他在星期天晚上安静得像只耗子。
- It seemed to be as big as a house. 它看上去和一座房子一样大。
- She used to be as obstinate as a mule. 她原先十分固执。
- Everybody that was not invited was as mad as a wet hen. 没有受到邀请的人个个都很生气。
- Puny though he looked, he was as brave as a lion. 他看上去虽然瘦弱,但人很勇敢。
- The room was as neat as a new pin. 房间十分整洁。
- I really think he liked you, too. He was just trying to play cool, as silly as it may sound. 我其实觉得他也喜欢你的。只是他想装酷,虽然这样听起来蛮蠢的。
- The soldier was as brave as a lion. 那个士兵如狮子般勇猛。
- I really think he liked you, too. He was just trying to play cool, as silly as itv may sound. 嗯...我是真的蛮喜欢他过的;但是他始终对我不理不睬。我(毕竟)是女孩子啰!我不能一直驻足在那里。你明白我的意思吧?
- She can be as stubborn as a mule. 她可以倔得像头骡子。
- Tom doesn't seem to be as a good boy as Jim. 汤姆似乎不像吉姆那样是个好孩子。