- The destroyer has been arrested by the police. 那个破坏者已经被警察逮捕了。
- He did not follow our advice so as to be arrest by the police. 他不听我们的劝告,结果被逮捕。
- It's all up with Terry sharp. He's been arrested by the police. 特里·复普彻底完蛋了,他被警察逮捕了。
- He was arrested by the police on a charge of housebreaking. 他被指控侵入民宅而被警方逮捕。
- The scoundrel was arrested by the police. 那个歹徒被警察逮捕。
- He was arrested by the police on a warrant . 警察持逮捕证将他逮捕。
- The gangster was arrested by the police. 这个黑帮分子被警方抓获了。
- A man was arrested by the police and held for questioning. 一名男子被警方逮捕并拘押讯问。
- Those who robbed the bank had already been arrested by the police. 抢劫银行的匪徒已经被警察抓获。
- A drug trafficker was arrested by the police yesterday. 一名贩毒分子昨日被警方捕获。
- He was arrested by the police on a charge of housebreaking . 我们现在处理的不是一件微不足道的入室行窃案。
- A young boy was arrested by the police for robbing passengers. 一名少年因截劫路人被警方拘留。
- That man was arrested by the police for soliciting prostitutes. 那个人因为嫖妓而被公安机关逮捕了。
- Rico was arrested by the police for armed robbery and taken to jail. 瑞克因持械抢劫被警方逮捕入狱。
- She refused to stand up for a white man and was arrested by the police. 她拒绝给一个白人让座而被逮捕了。
- The gangster who had taken part in the robbery was arrested by the police. 那名参与了抢劫的歹徒被警方逮捕。
- They were caught showing blue films in the theater and were arrested by the police. 他们在戏院放映色情电影被查到,并遭警方逮捕。
- No sooner had the robber run out of the bank than he was arrested by the police. 盗贼刚刚跑出银行就给警察逮捕了。
- He felt deeply regretful when he was arrested by the police, but it was too late for him to mend his ways. 警察抓他时他非常后悔,但已是江心补漏,为时已晚。
- He do not follow our advice so as to is arrest by the police. 他不听我们的劝告,结果被逮捕。