- They were alarmed by a sudden attack . 他们因受到突然袭击而惊恐不安。
- They were alarmed by a sudden attack. 他们因受到突然袭击而惊恐不安。
- They were alarmed by a sudden air attack. 突然空袭使他们大为惊恐。
- be alarmed by a sudden attack 因受到突然袭击而惊恐万状
- He who has done nothing shameful By day need not Be alarmed By a knock on the door at night. 日间不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。
- The fortress at the entrance to the village was reduced by a sudden attack. 村口的堡垒遭到突然袭击而被攻陷。
- He who has done nothing.shameful by day need not be alarmed by a knock on the door at night. 日间不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。
- Do not be alarmed by a great deal of cutlery: simply start from the outside and work your way in. 不要被一大堆刀叉餐具吓着了:只要由外往内按顺序使用就行了。
- They were alarmed by the sudden rumbling in the earth. 他们被地下忽然传来的隆隆声吓了一跳。
- We were seized by a sudden impulse to run. 我们身不由己突然想跑。
- Let us not be alarmed by rumours. 我们不要因小道消息而惊慌。但在日常口语中,可以把之前
- America's dentists are alarmed by a trend for mouth adornments which encase teeth in precious metals and jewellery. 目前,由金属制成的装饰牙套成为美国时尚青年的新宠,但口腔科专家近日向佩带者发出警告说,谨防口腔疾病!
- By a sudden movement we uncovered the enemy's right flank. 我们的突击行动使敌人的右翼暴露无遗。
- By a sudden and adroit movement I placed my leave eye against his fist. 凭一下突然而又敏捷的动作,我把左眼朝他的拳头碰将过去的。
- She was alarmed by his violent outburst. 他暴跳如雷,令她惊恐万状。
- He was seized by a sudden excitement. 他感到一阵突如其来的激动。
- She was seized by a sudden pang of conscience. 她突然感到一阵内疚。
- He was pulled down by a sudden fever. 他突然发烧病倒了。
- The President was alarmed by the drift toward catastrophe in Europe. 总统对欧洲动荡的时局甚为担忧。
- That ship was damage by a sudden explosion. 那条船被突然的爆炸损坏了。