- My friend's feelings are akin to mine. 我那位朋友的感受和我相近。
- This would be akin to including a session identifier or instance ID on a request. 这将与在请求中包含会话标识符或实例ID相类似。
- Buck had a trick of love expression that was akin to hurt. 巴克有种表达爱意的方法,跟伤害有点类似。
- The way the police treated him was akin to the worst sort of tortune. 警察对他拷问的方式是同类中最糟糕的。
- We are akin to a cancerous tumor in Nature's single, harmonious organism. 我们就象大自然单一和谐的机体中的一个癌症肿瘤。
- The stabilizers are akin to spidery legs with padded feet that grip the heart with vacuum suction. 这个稳定器就像是穿著防震脚垫的蜘蛛脚,透过真空吸力将心脏吸住。
- Males, as nontransmitters, are akin to evolutionary prison cells for the bacterium. 雄性宿主不能传播细菌,牠们的身体无异是沃巴赫菌的演化牢房。
- He argues that plans to give Serbian areas autonomy are akin to partition, which will lead to war. 而且他认为如果要把科索沃的一部分拿出来让塞尔维亚人自治,那无异于搞分裂,这将导致战争!
- Ponyo, on her voyage to look for Sosuke, rides on the friendly-looking waves that are akin to whales. 在台湾这么多天,我们也乘搭了多次捷运。捷运就等于新加坡的地铁。
- He also speculated that the need for sleep was akin to food, where getting less than people want may be better for them. 他还认为人们对睡眠的需求就如同对食物需求一样,实际摄入量比需求量少一点可能对健康有益。
- For Saudi Islamists, their arrival was akin to colonisation and it provoked a fierce, and eventually violent, backlash against the House of Saud. 对于沙特的伊斯兰主义者,他们的到来类似于殖民者,引发了对沙特王室激烈地反对,并最终导致了暴力。
- For cell biologists,understanding how proteins pass through an otherwise impermeable membrane was akin to biology's version of a ship in a bottle. 对于细胞生物学家,理解蛋白是怎样通过本来无法穿透是外膜好比是理解生物学中怎样把轮船装入瓶子了。
- Credit card debt can surely be akin to a vise round your neck and is a regularincidence amongst loads of persons that have credit cards. 现在市场上形形色色的信用卡一大堆, 要选一张合适的卡其实不容易。
- Hung-chien suddenly spotted his father-in-law working at a far-off desk by a window.His delight was akin to meeting an old friend in a strange place at a time of distress. 鸿渐忽然望见丈人在远远靠窗的桌上办公,像异乡落难遇见故知。
- Your cousins are akin to you. 你的堂兄弟和你是同族的。
- Some folk of Faerun believe deities are akin to awesomely powerful mortals and are therefore prone to foibles, tempers, and the haste, mistakes, and emotions of mortals. 费伦的一些居民认为神和那些可畏的强大的凡人是相似的。因此他们也是有怪癖,脾气还有和凡人一样的急躁并且情绪化。
- For those who thought the settlement was akin to "dancing with the devil", it appeared in retrospect that the devil had indeed had the best tunes, reports Mr Brandt. 对于那些思想解决类似于"舞与魔鬼",似乎在回想这魔鬼的确拥有最好的曲调,报告主席勃兰特。
- They were akin to a violin with only one string and no fingerboard, capable of playing only one note (ignore for the moment that musical notes are much richer than pure tones). 它们像是只有一根弦而且没有指板的小提琴,只能奏出单一音调(先不管音调其实比纯音要来得丰富)。
- For those who thought the settlement was akin to “dancing with the devil”, it appeared in retrospect that the devil had indeed had the best tunes, reports Mr Brandt. 对于那些思想解决类似于"舞与魔鬼",似乎在回想这魔鬼的确拥有最好的曲调,报告主席勃兰特。
- The guidelines, meant to be akin to the "Food Pyramid" nutritional advice, are based on studies that show clear health benefits from regular, moderate exercise. 美国政府于本周二发布了一份最新“锻炼指南”。该指南建议,成年人每周应锻炼两个半小时,儿童每天应至少活动一小时。