- What will it be after the clear weather? 晴天以后天气会怎么样?
- She ran as if the Old Boy were after her. 她跑得飞快好像魔鬼在追她似的。
- The dog was after the rabbit like a shot. 那只狗飞快地追赶兔子。
- It was after dark when they got home. 天黑以后,他们才到家。
- What do you want to be after four-year's study? 四年的学习之后,你希望自己成为什么?
- Is it a part- tine job you are after? 你要找的是不是非全日性的工作?
- What person purloin be after all their money? 究竟是什么人盗取了他们的钱呢?
- They are after you, you might as well clear out. 他们正追你,你还是离开的好。
- be after sth. 追求
- We all needed a little light relief at the end of a long day(= something amusing or entertaining that comes after sth serious or boring). 在漫长的一天结束时我们都需要一点轻松的调剂。
- I want to leave, but what it turt out to be after leaving? 想离开可是离开又能怎样?
- It was after the failure of this attempt that he resorted to force. 是这次尝试失败之后他才诉诸武力的。
- My sister doesn't have any enemies. Why should people be after her? 我妹妹跟人无仇无怨,无缘无故怎么会有人要人追杀她。
- I don't know what my future will be after graduation. 我不知道我毕业以后前途会怎样。
- Are you absolutely positive that it was after midnight? 你是否有绝对把握认为那事是在午夜以後发生的?
- And long will it be after your pride brings you to your end. 并且将长久于此,就算你们的荣耀将你们带入终结之后。
- What person purloin be after all the money of these people? 究竟是什么人盗取了这些人的钱呢?
- But be after jumping user disinclination, effect is not big. 但是跳过去之后用户不感兴趣,作用不大。
- Get after sth. 追赶某人;寻找某人[某物]
- Among the waist neuralgic. . . What disease be after all? ? 腰中间神经痛...到底是什么病??