- He must have been a stranger to the town. 他当时一定是刚到这个镇子。
- From this day you must be a stranger to one of your parents. 从今天开始,你将与双亲之一成为陌生人。
- I might be a stranger to you, but please trust me with peace of mind. 虽然您不认识我,但请您安心依靠我
- Since I am a stranger in this city, I have to see about where I take bus No.3. 因为对这个城市不熟,我得问问到哪儿坐3路车。
- I'd met Anna before, but her friend was a complete/total stranger to me. 我见过安娜,但从未见过她那位朋友。
- She treats him as if he were a stranger. 她待他如陌生人。
- For a stranger here, the London tube could be a maze. 警察:对陌生人来说,伦敦地铁可能是个迷宫。
- I am a stranger here. Can you help me? 我是个外地人不认得路。能帮忙指个路吗?
- I am a stranger here. Can you help me ? 我是个外地人不认得路。能帮忙指个路吗?
- Sorry, I am a stranger here myself. 对不起,我也对这儿不熟悉。
- He treated me as if I were a stranger. 他那样对待我,好像我是陌。
- She stared at me as if I were a stranger. 她瞪着我,好像不认识我似的。
- To him,that was a strange and fascinating society. 在他看来,这是一个陌生但又令人入迷的社会。
- She treated me as if I had been a stranger. 他对我很冷淡,形同陌路人。
- I am a stranger in this neighbourhood. 在这一带我是个生人。(我不是这一带的人。)
- Lin coln was a newcomer,almost a stranger. 林肯是新来的人,几乎还是个陌生人。
- To him, that was a strange and fascinating society. 在他看来,这是一个陌生但又令人入迷的社会。
- For a stranger here,the London tube could be a maze. 对一个陌生人来说,伦敦地铁可能是个迷宫。
- Lincoln was a newcomer, almost a stranger. 林肯是新来的人,几乎还是个陌生人。
- There was a stranger outside the office. 办公室外有个陌生人。