- The invasion force was annihilated. 侵略军被消灭了。
- Pureblood will come with his forces and they'll be annihilated out in the open. 而加拉维尔将不可避免地带着大军前来,可这是羊入虎口,迎接他们的只会是毁灭的命运。
- Napoleon's fleet was annihilated by Nelson. 拿破仑的舰队为纳尔逊所消灭。
- The naval force was annihilated during the attack. 在这次袭击中海军被彻底消灭了
- The invading army was annihilated. 来犯的敌人已经歼灭。
- Wall Street five big throw the line to be annihilated, indicates the Wall Street myth end. 华尔街五大投行全军覆没,预示着华尔街神话的终结。
- Then the noise terms can be annihilated and the open-loop state-space models can be recovered by standard subsp... 数值仿真表明,对于存在高斯有色噪声的闭环系统,该辨识算法可以得到无偏的系统状态空间模型。
- The brigands of this area have been annihilated by the Army. 军队剿绝了这一带的土匪。
- Napoleon 's fleet be annihilate by nelson . 拿破仑的舰队为纳尔逊所消灭。
- The condition or result of having been annihilated; utter destruction. 毁灭,覆没被消灭的状态或结果;完全毁灭
- The brigands of this area have been annihilated by the People's Army. 人民军队剿绝了这一带的土匪。
- In the military exercise, the opposition was annihilated by our army. 这次军事演习中,假想敌被我方全部歼灭了。
- The vacuum is what is left when one annihilates all matter (or, equivalently, energy) that can be annihilated. 当我们将一切物质(或者说能量)消灭掉之后所剩下的就是真空。
- The tribes that had been annihilated were not worse than those got cultural genocide. 有些部落被屠杀殆尽,而另一些则遭受了种族文明的灭绝。
- In the first year of the War of Liberation we reached the target figure set by the Central Military Commission for enemy troops to be annihilated. 在解放战争第一年,我们完成了中央军委规定的歼敌指标。
- Finally, the righteousness and evil was annihilated in the frenzy, a new order was incubated in the vain peace. 最终,正与邪在狂暴中湮灭,新的秩序在空寂中孵化。
- About 40 Iraqi divisions were annihilated and the Allied Troops had a light casualty. 伊军约40个师被歼灭,而多国部队伤亡很少。
- Three survivors told us in detail how the regiment was annihilated by the enemy. 三个生还者详细地告诉了我们军团是如何被敌人消灭的。
- Lucia says Mary revealed that Russia would "spread her errors throughout the world, promoting wars," and that "Various nations will be annihilated. 露西娅说玛丽亚透露俄罗斯会“把她的过失延伸到整个世界,发扬战争,”然后“各种不同的国家,民族会被消灭。”
- If all else perished, and he remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger: I should not seem a part of it. 而要是别的一切都留下来,只有他给毁灭了,那整个世界就成了一个极其陌生的地方,我就不再像是它的一部分了。