- batch compilation listing 成批编译列表
- A compiled list of the contents of two or more tape libraries. 包括两个或多个磁带程序库的一种汇编目录
- batch compilation activity time limit 成批编译活动时限
- If no page in the application has been compiled, batch compilation compiles all pages in a directory in chunks to improve disk and memory usage. 如果应用程序中的页都没有编译,批编译功能会成批编译目录中的所有页,以便更好地利用磁盘和内存。
- Specifies the maximum combined size (in KB) of the generated source files per batched compilation. 指定每个批编译过程中生成的源文件的最大组合大小(以KB为单位)。
- The thesis classifies all kind of quoted books and compiles list and index. 论文对其作了分类工作并编制简目和索引。
- The second batch of sugar is better than the first. 第二批制成的糖比第一批好。
- In batch or remote batch entry, a job or job step. 在批处理或远程批处理输入中的一个作业或作业步。
- The accountant sign a batch of cheque. 会计签发的一批支票。
- The damaged vessel was listing badly. 受损坏的船倾斜得很厉害。
- Can you give me a price list with specification? 你能否给我一份有规格说明的价目单吗?
- The teacher tick off a name on a list. 老师在名单上的一个名字旁打勾。
- My personal letters got muddled up with a batch of circulars. 我的私人信件和一批通知混在一起了。
- Leaving his name off the list was a bad slip-up. 名单上没有他的名字是个严重的疏忽。
- It is constantly compiling lists of practices that have proven effective in the field, so that its members can build on those successes. 它还不断编制在实地被证明为有效的规范的清单,以便使其成员能够借鉴这些成功方法。
- The ship was listing badly but still kept afloat. 船倾侧得很厉害,但却仍然漂浮不沉。
- When pollsters compile lists of Americans' top concerns, those barely register.What is on the rise is anxiety about globalization. 在民意调查专家编辑的美国人最关系的问题清单上,这些问题都没有记录在案,取而代之,人们对全球化的担心日益上升。
- Her latest album is a compilation of all her best singles. 她最新的一套唱片是她的最佳单曲唱片的汇集。
- A batch of mail dispatched at one time by a sender. 由邮递员同时分送的一批邮件
- Your name comes before mine on the list. 名单上你的名字在我之前。