- bastard round straight file 粗齿直圆锉
- Say no more; I'll come round straight away. 不用再劝我,我会直接去的。
- Do you have other similar round straight neck bottles or like the one from this link? 你们还有其他相似的圆形直颈瓶吗?或者类似于此链接中的那种。
- Dual-jet is a new kind of high efficient jet,which is formed by combining round straight jet with circular conical swirling jet. 双射流是由中心直射流和同轴的环形旋转射流形成的一种新型高效射流,用双射流能够克服门限压力与高破岩比能的制约而高效破岩。
- If you refuse to accept our penalty, you may, within 60 days after receiving notification, appeal to the next higher Public Security Organ, or you may straight file a suit to the local People's Court. 如果你对我们所作的处罚裁决不服,在接到通知之日起60日之内可以向上一级公安机关申诉,也可以直接向当地人民法院提起诉讼。
- Answer: Because pole is very round straight, especially cement pole surface is slick, weight big, roll the most easily when assemble and unassemble and be carried, be like carelessly, injure a person possibly. 答:由于电杆都很圆直,尤其是水泥电杆表面光滑,重量又大,在装卸和搬运时最易滚动,如不注重,就可能伤人。
- glass fiber round straight converter 光导纤维圆直变换器
- Don't talk round the question; come straight to the point. 不要在这个问题上绕圈子,开门见山地谈吧。
- He ran round the corner and banged straight into a lamp-post. 他跑过拐角处时迎面撞在灯柱上。
- He's a real bastard, leaving his wife in that way. 他真狠心,弃妻子於不顾。
- I'll get you for that, you bastard! 我早晚要跟你算那笔帐,你这坏蛋!
- Keep straight on until you get to the church. 一直朝前走就走到教堂了。
- An illegitimate child; a bastard. 私生子不合法的孩子; 私生子
- It's three blocks straight ahead. 一直往前走过三个街区就是。
- She gave it to me straight from the shoulder. 她坦诚地批评我。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- Lisa said my name wrongly so I set her straight. 莉莎把我的名字说错了,我便加以纠正。
- I just want a straight answer to the question. 我只需要得到对这个问题的明确答案。
- Go straight on until you come to a bus stop. 你一直往前走,直到公共汽车站为止。
- A creeper was entwined round the pillar. 一根攀缘植物缠绕在柱子上。