- Methods:Using 3D SSD and MPR techniques with helical CT, the basilar skull fractures in 32 patients were demonstrated streocopically and in multiplane. 方法:选择32例颅底骨折病人,采用螺旋CT的SSD和MPR重建方法,立体和多方位显示颅底骨折,并且选择外科手术修补治疗颅底骨折所致脑脊液漏。
- Treatment of Basilar Skull Fracture Combined with Contusion of Brain and Parotid Region in Emergenic Surgery 颅底骨折脑挫伤并颌面部挫裂伤的急诊救治
- basilar skull fracture 颅底骨折
- Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Preventing Meningitis in Patients With Basilar Skull Fractures: A Systematic Review 颅底骨折患者预防性使用抗生素预防脑膜炎的系统评价
- Can skull fracture have sequela for certain? Can you think method avoids? 颅骨骨折肯定会有后遗症吗?能想办法避免吗?
- Basal skull fracture with dural tear at cribriform plate of ethmoid bone and intracerebral cyst filled with air were found during operation. 手术中发现颅底筛骨筛板处有骨折并硬脑膜裂开,及充满气体之大脑囊肿。
- Krum took a bowling-ball-sized iron ball to the face, and only suffered a broken nose - not, for example, concussion or a skull fracture. 克鲁姆被一个保龄球大小的硬球撞到了面部,但只是被撞鼻了鼻子--而不是那些例如脑震荡或是头骨破裂的损伤。
- It can range from a minor Bruise or sprain to a skull fracture with Brain damage or a spinal-cord injury with paralysis. 其范围从小型挫伤或扭伤到大脑受损的头颅裂开或麻痹性脊椎伤害。
- After a tragic fall on "The Andy Williams Show" in 1965,comedian Jerry Lewis suffered a skull fracture that led to an addiction to the painkiller Percodan. 1965年,喜剧演员杰瑞-刘易斯在出演“安迪-威廉姆斯秀”时,不幸摔倒,造成头骨骨折。他不得不依赖止痛药,并对此上了瘾。
- The latest scan, however, showed no skull fractures. 但最新的扫描显示并没有头骨破裂。
- He died in the car collision with his skull fractured. 他在那次撞车事件中因头骨碎裂而死去。
- After a tragic fall on "The Andy Williams Show " in 1965, comedian Jerry Lewis suffered a skull fracture that led to an addiction to the painkiller Percodan. 1965年,喜剧演员杰瑞-刘易斯在出演“安迪-威廉姆斯秀”时,不幸摔倒,造成头骨骨折。他不得不依赖止痛药,并对此上了瘾。
- Sometimes a black eye indicates a more extensive injury, even a skull fracture, particularly if the area around both eyes is bruised or if there has been a head injury. 有时眼部淤青表明更大的伤害,甚至是头骨破裂,特别是如果双眼周围都有淤青或者发生过头部受伤的情况。
- After a tragic fall on "The Andy Williams Show" in 1965, comedian Jerry Lewis suffered a skull fracture that led to an addiction to the painkiller Percodan. 1965年,喜剧演员杰瑞-刘易斯在出演“安迪-威廉姆斯秀”时,不幸摔倒,造成头骨骨折。他不得不依赖止痛药,并对此上了瘾。
- The case of EDH seen in conjunct with SDH, thickened crescentic or wave shape appeared, accompanied with local skull fracture but no mass effect and the hematoma was crossing the suturae cranii. 结论:颅板下薄层出血的内、外缘形态,有否占位效应,与外伤部位的相互关系是不同性质出血的鉴别诊断要点;
- Objective To explore the clinical characters,diagnosis and treatment of depressed skull fractures involving venous sinuses. 目的探讨累及静脉窦的颅骨凹陷性骨折的临床特点、诊断及治疗。
- Can't you get it into your thick skull that we can't afford it? 你这个笨脑瓜难道不明白我们买不起吗?
- Elevation of skull fracture fragments 颅骨骨折碎片掀起术
- Craniotomy for decompression of skull fracture 颅骨切开术用于颅骨骨折减压术
- Open skull fracture without intracranial injury 颅骨开放性骨折不伴颅内损伤