- He has overthrown the basic standards of morality. 他已摒弃了基本的道德标准。
- basic standard of quality [经] 质量基础标准
- Public benefit is the basic standard of value of economic law. 社会整体利益至上是经济法的基本价值取向。
- He instills a high standard of quality and professionalism. 他向世人们灌输着一种品质和专业的高标准。
- Hempel-Hai Hong never compromises its high standard of quality. 老人牌集团在品质方面始终坚持高标准的严格要求。
- It is to secure a basic standard of living for people in financial need. 保障有财政需要的人们的基本生活水平。
- The standard of quality we set up for our export goods is very high. 我们所制定的出口商品质量标准是很高的。
- How does Shoe Industry in China Meet Int'l Standard of Quality and Technique? 中国鞋业如何同国际质量技术标准接轨?
- High efficiency: efficiently finish our report is the basic standard of our job. 高效:高效的完成报告是我们工作的基本标准。
- We provide a safety net under the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Scheme to assure a basic standard of living. 我们通过综援提供保障基本生活的安全网,同时珍视每个有谋生能力者增加自立自强的积极性。
- Indeed, none of the various definitions of “paraphilia” meets even the most basic standard of objectivity. 的确,各种各样的“性副态”的定义没有任何一个恰好达到客观的基本标准。
- Based upon the need of quality education, basic educational curriculum reform and teacher education reality, this thesis studies the quality standard of teachers" processional development. 本研究是基于素质教育、基础教育课程改革和教师教育现实需要的教师素质标准研究。
- Countries that have achieved a basic standard of living, supported by adequate health infrastructures, will be best able to adapt. 已经在适当卫生基础设施支持下达到基本生活水准的国家将最有能力适应。
- It's difficult to recruit teachers of quality. 要聘请到素质好的老师是很困难的。
- Public interest is the basic standard of the important conditions and the principle of proportionality is the cardinal criterion of legislation. 公共利益是确定公众人物隐私权要件的根本标准,比例原则是建构公众人物隐私权制度的基本准则。
- Such prices hit off with the standard of our life. 这样的物价与我们的生活水准相符。
- The basic standard of demarcation between employment relationship and labour relationship is the standard of personal attachment. 区分劳动关系和雇佣关系的根本分界线是人身依附性标准。
- The highest degree of quality or excellence. 头等质量或优秀程度最高的
- Durability is one yardstick of quality. 耐久性是质量好坏的一个尺度。
- These shoes are made of quality leather. 这些鞋是用高级皮革制成的。