- The contradictions between productive forces and the relations of production and between economic base and superstructure constitute the basic social contradiction. 生产力与生产关系、经济基础与上层建筑的矛盾,构成社会的基本矛盾。
- The principle of Basic Social Contradiction in historical materialism is a theory of social dynamics that is in agreement with the fundamentals of synergetics. 唯物史观关于社会基本矛盾运动的原理,是与协同动力学原理相一致的社会动力学理论。
- basic social contradictions 社会基本矛盾
- the basic social contradictions 社会基本矛盾
- "Nudity is a threat to the basic social contract. “裸露是对基本社会契约的一种威胁。
- This is the inevitable result of the development of social contradictions and deepening struggle of the people in the modern times of China. 这是近代中国社会矛盾发展和人民斗争深入的必然结果。
- The remission institution mitigated the social contradictions of Song Dynasty and caused great harm at the same time. 赦宥在缓和两宋社会矛盾的同时,也带来了巨大的危害。
- If your basic social skills are weak, your dating skills will be sabotaged. 如果你基本的社交技巧很薄弱,约会技巧将难以充分发挥作用。
- Social public security question is the comprehensive reflection of many social contradictions and negative factors. 摘要社会治安问题是诸多社会矛盾和消极因素的综合反映。
- Shaw held that art should serve social purposes by reflecting human life, revealing social contradictions and educating the common people. 萧主张艺术应该为社会服务,应该反映人的生活与社会矛盾并教育广大人民。
- Breaking down the equalitarianism "big pot", but the income gap between rich and poor appeared and triggered a series of social contradictions and problems. 改革破除了平均主义“大锅饭”,却出现收入的贫富差距,并引发出一系列社会矛盾与问题。
- basic social contradiction 社会基本矛盾
- Thus social contradictions and benefits clash can be solved by way of forming relative balanced benefits allotment structure, the reasonable soci... 通过形成相对均衡的利益分配格局,合理的社会成员构成结构,构建符合社会和谐需要的利益表达机制,来解决社会矛盾和协调利益冲突。
- The frequent occurrences of natural disasters, famines and poverty aggravated all kinds of social contradictions in modem China. 摘要近代中国自然灾害频发,灾荒与贫困加剧了各种社会矛盾。
- The mass incident is one of the present social contradictions in our country,and it's an exclusive reflect of social disharmony. 群体性事件是当前我国的社会矛盾之一,是社会不和谐的特有反映。
- Second,a rapidly growing population,and the low level of education,public health and other basic social services. 二是人口增长过快,教育、卫生等基本社会服务水平低。
- To encourage students to interact with others and establish basic social skills. 鼓励学生与别人互相交往及建立基本沟通礼仪。
- The dance has happened in the conflict, precisely a true reflection of the end of the 17th century, the United Kingdom in the early 16's social contradictions. 剧中所发生的种种冲突,恰恰真实地反映了16世纪末17世纪初英国的社会矛盾。
- Second, a rapidly growing population, and the low level of education, public health and other basic social services. 二是人口增长过快,教育、卫生等基本社会服务水平低。
- This has to do with the social contradictions that occur in times of social transition and also reflects that the citizens have become more legally conscious. 其出现的原因,与社会转型期必然出现的社会矛盾有关,也反映了公民法律意识的觉醒和法治观念的增强。