- The basic load ratings provided in the product table take this into account. 根据产品表中列出的基本额定,这一点已被考虑到。
- The basic load ratings given in the product table under the heading "Roller" take this influence into account. 在产品表中“滚子”标题下列出的基本额定负荷考虑到这种影响。
- The basic load ratings given under the heading "Support roller" in the table section take this into account. 表中“支承滚子”标题下所列出的基本额定负荷考虑到这种情况。
- basic load rating 基本额定载荷
- Basic load LNG plant is very imPOrtant in world LNG industry. 液化天然气基本负荷工厂(Base-LoadLNGPlants)在世界LNG工业中处于非常重要的地位。
- Perform load rating for new or existing bridges in either AASHTO Standard (LFD) or LRFR specifications. 双重代码功能也适用于载荷评级鉴定。
- They also have GPS units, video cameras and a basic load of ammunition, including grenades. 他们还装备有全球定位系统,摄像机和基本的弹药量,其中包括手榴弹。
- Shall we get down to the loading rate now if you do not mind? 如果您不介意的话,我们现在来谈谈装船率如何?
- The basic dynamic and static load ratings for the Solid Oil bearings are the same as for the corresponding standard bearings. Solid Oil轴承的基本额定动负荷和静负荷与对应的标准轴承相同。
- The effects of five adjusting parameters of valve timing, admission valve clearance, emission valve clearance, rotational speed ,load rate are interacted. 配气相位、进气门间隙、排气门间隙、转速、负荷五个调整参数之间是相互影响的。
- The basic dynamic load ratings for SKF bearings are determined in accordance with the procedures outlined in ISO 281:1990. SKF轴承的基本额定动载荷根据ISO 281:1990标准所规定的方法来确定。
- With greater axial and radial load rating capacity, good replaceability of components. The shaft can be adjusted through external hexogan then to adjust the axial part dimension. 轴承径向和轴向的承载能力都比较大,各配件可替换性强。轴承通过调节偏心外六角来调整芯轴位置进而达到调整侧滚轮轴向尺寸的目的。
- The fracture toughness was strongly affected by temperature and loading rate. 结果表明:温度和加载速率都对断裂韧度产生影响;
- Duncan Chang hyperbolic model used widely in FEM analysis of the interaction between tools and soil was modified by taking account of the influence of load rate. 并利用所测的曲线对准静态情况下被广泛用于土壤与机具相互作用的有限元分析的Duncan-Chang双曲线模型进行修正,得出了考虑加载速率影响的修正Duncan-Chang模型
- The writer introduced briefly the load rating practices of Gears published by AGMA of the U.S. A in 1958, admitting that they are an advance in gear design for seores of years in U.S. and may also be helpful to the designers in other nations. 作者简单地介绍了美国AGMA1958年公布的齿轮承载能力设计计算方法,认为是几十年来美国齿轮设计方法的进步,方法精神,有可取之处。
- To my know ledge , most of the european port have an average loading rate of 250 ton per hatch per weather work day . 据我所知,大多数欧洲港口每个舱口每个晴天工作日的平均装船率为250吨。
- These comparative load ratings may only be used together with the life and equivalent load equations specified below; they may not be used to calculate an ISO rating life. 这些比较额定载荷只能同下述寿命和当量载荷公式一起使用;这些数值不能用于计算ISO额定寿命。
- The shape of cross section of gravity dams under basic loads was optimized from an initial quadrilateral region with the stability of dam bodies against sliding and the tensile stress in dam heels taken as restraints. 以四边形为初始域,以重力坝的稳定和坝踵拉应力为约束条件,对基本荷载作用下的重力坝基本断面形状进行优化。
- The design method was implying the new concept of Loading Rate both on fill phase and react phase. 该设计方法引入了“进水期污泥负荷”和“反应期污泥负荷”两个概念。
- It's almost impossible to agree on a unified basic price. 几乎不可能商定一个划一的基本价格。