- This Annex includes the basic features of Annex A/H.223. 本附件包含附件A/H.;223的基本特性。
- Part II The paper explores the main content, the basic features of DTFA. 第二部分:探讨邓小平外交思想的主要内容和基本特征。
- The basic features of the transition stage are elaborated in detail. 详细阐述了济阳坳陷断拗转换期的基本特征。
- Message Mirror Lite Edition is freeware. it provides some basic features. 信息备份简要版是免费的。它提供了一些基本功能。
- Patternized thinking is one of the basic features of TCM mode of thought. 模式化思维是中医思维方式的基本特征之一。
- Therefore, we should interprete the sense of judicatory authority from its basic features, connotation property and historic approaches. 因之,我们必须从司法权威的基本性质、涵特质和历史向度诸方面阐释司法权威的意义。
- The following description describes the basic features of the voice recognition mechanism which is based on a speaker dependent is dated word recognition method. 下列叙述说明了以与授话人有关的分离词汇识别法为基础的语音识别机理的基本特点。
- A most basic feature of web conferencing is audio inputs. 一个最基本的特点,网络会议,是音频输入。
- Based on the basic features of a geometrical figure, a geometrical model is constructed with this model. 本文根据图形的基本性质,建立了几何模型。
- Basic Features and Geological Background of the Minxian-Zhuoni M5.0 Earthquake on Sep. 岷县-卓尼5.;0级地震的基本特征和地质背景研究。
- Run the resulting application and try out the basic features of the application. 运行结果应用程序并尝试使用该应用程序的基本功能。
- The fourth section analyses the basic features and functions of urban area economic hinterland. 第四部分分析了城市地域经济腹地的基本特征及功能;
- The.NET Framework provides a number of basic features that make it easier to deploy a variety of applications.. NET Framework提供了许多基本功能;可使部署各种应用程序更加容易。
- Its basic features included work division, specialization, grade system, impersonalization, and tool reason. 分工、专业化、等级制度、非人格化、工具理性是它的基本特征。
- The constitution, measuring conditions and basic features of LMS, MLSSA, Clio, DAAS and SYSid are emphasized. 重点介绍了LMS,MLSSA,Clio,DAAS,SYSid5种测试系统的基本组成,测试条件和基本功能;
- Wepreliminarilly researched the basic features, influence factors and mechanism of 40Hz AERP-ELR. 通过不同部位引导的对比观察,对该电位的基本特征、影响因素及其可能发生机理进行了初步探讨。
- Chapter Five offers a presentation of the basic features of the various strata of the intermedium class. 第五章介绍了中间阶层各阶层的基本特征。
- Local self-government and national autonomy are the basic features of the feudatory system. 地方自治与民族自治是藩属制度的基本特征之一。
- This paper, starting from basic features or accountant professional morality, explored the way it can be cultivated. 摘要从会计职业道德的基本特点出发,探讨了会计职业道德建设的途径。
- The basic features of the curved surface helical baffle heat exchanger with special form of baffles was introduced. 介绍了一种具有特殊折流形式的螺旋折流板换热器。