- On the Concept of "New Public Service" and Its Bearing on Basic Education Administration and Management Reform in China "新公共服务"理念对当前我国基础教育管理改革的启示
- basic education administration 基础教育管理
- What are Valued in Basic Education? 基础教育的价值追问?
- Hong Kong provides nine-year free and universal basic education. 本港提供九年免费普及基础教育。
- Implementation of primary education, promote basic education. 实施小学教育,促进基础教育发展。
- Implementation secondary education, promote basic education. 实施初中教育,促进基础教育发展。
- Chinese instruction is the core of basic education courses. 摘要语文教学是基础教育的核心课程。
- Most children start their basic education in an Infant's First School. 大部分孩子从学前班启蒙。
- Modern Encyclopaedia Of Educational Administration (Set Of 5 Vols. 教育行政管理现代百科全书(5卷集)
- The keystone of basic education is in countryside, so is the difficulty. 朝鲜族基础教育改革和发展的重点在农村,难点也在农村。
- Vision and Mission: Becoming an Outstanding Basic Education net of China. 公司愿景和使命:做中国最优秀的基础教育网。
- As a representative in non-mainstream field on education administration research in America, Thomas J. 托马斯·萨乔万尼(Thomas J.;Sergiovanni)是美国教育管理非主流派的重要代表。 擅以教育管理的批判范型研究教育管理现象及问题。
- On the Mechanism of China's Higher Education Administration: Reality or Ideality? 中国高等教育治理:现实还是理想?
- This article introduced the whole circumstance of the Basic Education Centre of Zhongshan University and explained the reason of the establishment of the laboratory's administration system. 对中山大学珠海校区基础教学实验中心进行总体介绍及回顾,阐述了建立实验室一级管理体制的原因。
- Finally proposed that the superintendent improves the method and the countermeasure of humanism management in the education administration process. 最后提出在教育管理过程中管理者改进人本管理的方法与对策。
- In.F.S.Chiang &Y.H.Chung (Eds.), Comparative Study on the Education Administration in the different countries,(pp.301-354). 载于江芳盛、钟宜兴(主编),各国教育行政制度比较(页301-354)。
- Curriculum guides for basic education,key learning areas and various subjects are under preparation. 有关基础教育、各个学习领域和学科的课程指引正在拟备中。
- Scientific research institutes may, subject to the approval of the department of education administration under the State Council, undertake the task of postgraduate education. 经国务院教育行政部门批准,科学研究机构可以承担研究生教育的任务。
- No amount of re-training can replace the solid basic education one receives in the early ten years of one's life. 光是提供年长工人的再教育计划,无论如何妥善,总不能比得上10年的基本学校教育。
- I hereby affirm that all information given in this form is real; I shall abide by the Chinese laws and regulations issued by Chinese education administration. 申请人保证上述各项中内容真实;在中国学习期间将遵守中国法律和教育部门的各项教育法规。