- The basic design of the Mini has held good for more than twenty-five years. 微型汽车的基本设计已经适用了25年以上。
- The adornments do not cohere with the basic design. 装饰物与设计的基调不协调。
- Basic design bearings with filling slots are open. 带装球缺口的基础设计轴承是开式轴承。
- Kazumi: I'm taking Basic Design course. 克美:我正在选修基本设计课程。
- Basic design drawing for steel structure platform. 钢结构平台的基础设计图纸。
- This remained the basic design of all Sikorsky helicopters. 这是西科尔斯基所有直升飞机的基本设计。
- The Cyclone S Drift models with proven basic design! 旋风s漂移模型与证明的基本设计!
- Take a look at these basic designs. 看一下这些基本的设计。
- The basic design of the car is very similar to that of earlier models. 这种汽车的基本设计与早期的样式非常相似。
- WS-R follows the same basic design, but its XML looks slightly different. WS-R遵从同样的基础设计,但是它的XML看起来稍微有些不同。
- When Should the Design Pencil Sketch Cut In During the Basic Design Education? 试论设计基础教育中设计素描切入的时机?
- The basic design idea,structure and function of the system were described. 叙述了该系统的基本设计思想、系统结构和功能。
- Basic design ideas are introduced on a close-coupled canard wing configuration. 介绍了近距耦合鸭式布局的基本设计思想。
- Aiming at solving the basic design problem for down coiler from theory. 卷取机主要力能参数选择;
- Most utilities are eyeing one of three basic designs. 大多数公用事业公司都将目光焦距在三种基本设计上。
- The paper explores basic design methods of utilizing solar radiation and natural ventilation in atrium space. 本文探讨了在中庭空间设计中利用太阳能辐射供热与自然通风的基本方法。
- The Seller shall submit the Basic design documentation to the Buyer before the meeting as per Appendix 8. 卖方应根据附件的八规定在会议前向买方提交初步设计文件。
- Defines a group of type faces having a similar basic design and certain variations in styles. 定义有着相似的基本设计但在形式上有某些差异的一组字样。
- These are design-time components that specify the basic design of the application. 它们是指定应用程序基本设计的设计时组件。
- Seriously, I was impressed that you developed an object model to show me the basic design of the application. 说实话,感谢您开发了一个对象模型向我展示应用的基本设计。