- basic counter unit 基本计数单元
- Part four, analysing the main obstructs in the marketing course of HRM in derivative enterprises and discussing the basic counter measures. 第四章,用较大篇幅分析了“衍生型”民营企业人力资源管理市场化过程中存在的主要障碍并在此基础上探讨了跨越障碍的基本对策。
- In order to synchronize the address、data and control signals reliably, the counter unit was applied tocontrol the whole flow and the synchronous state machine is used to make the SAA7111 work well. 设计过程中,用状态机完成了对芯片SAA7111的配置,用计数器控制整个信号采集过程,实现了地址、数据信号的可靠同步。
- For example, Marines and Thors can be great ground counter units for Terran and Hydralisks for Zerg are also good. 举个例子,人类的马润和雷神或者异虫的刺蛇都是出色的地面反击单位。
- The family is the basic unit of society. 家庭是社会的基本单位。
- An Intelligent, Bus-type Display and Counter Unit for Post Information 一种智能型、总线式邮件信息显示、计数装置的设计与实现
- It's almost impossible to agree on a unified basic price. 几乎不可能商定一个划一的基本价格。
- Let me enlarge on this basic theme. 让我进一步阐述一下这个基本主题。
- Let's examine into the basic mechanism involved. 让我们把有关的基本结构搞搞清楚。
- The basic structural unit of yarn is the fiber. 纤维是纱的基本结构单元。
- A basic unit of currency in Malawi and Zambia. 克瓦查马拉维和赞比亚的基本货币单位
- A basic unit of currency in Sierra Leone. 利昂塞拉利昂的基本货币单位
- Children begin to learn basic morals in the kindergarten. 孩子们从幼儿园开始学习基本的道德规范。
- Traders sold basic commodities to the tribesmen. 商人向部落里的人出售生活必需的商品。
- The basic theme of these stories never varies. 这些故事的基本主题永远不变。
- BASIC is the language most programmers learn first. BASIC是大多数程序编制者首先学习的语言。
- A basic unit of currency in Albania. 列克阿尔巴尼亚的基本货币单位
- A basic unit of currency in Angola. 宽扎安哥拉的一种基本货币单位
- It was Hart who created the basic formula of the western film. 正是这个哈特创造了西部电影的基本格局。
- A basic unit of currency in Argentina. 奥斯特拉尔阿根廷货币基本单位