- base stock inventory 基本库存量
- base stock inventory method [经] 基本存量法, 正常存量法
- base stock inventory valuation [经] 基本存量计价法
- inventory plans, normal or base stock [经] 正常或基本存货盘存法
- LU Hong senior expert analysis seamless steel tubes, said the coal market in China this year show the petition "to stock inventory and fill the diagonal with the turn of the W-type movements. 鲁宏的资深无缝钢管专家分析表示,今年我国煤炭市场将呈现出“去库存化与补库存相交替的斜向上的W型走势。”
- Consists of baled printed, untreated formed cups, cup die cuts and misprint sheets of untreated coated or uncoated cup base stock. 二号漂白、带有印刷的纸杯纸:带有印刷的纸杯纸、纸杯边角料,未经处理、涂布或未经涂布、用于造纸杯但是印刷错误的纸。胶必须是水溶性的。
- A double-solvent process for the simultaneous deasphalting and solvent treating of a lubricating-oil stock or any residual or distillate base stock. 对润滑油料或任何渣油或馏分油基础油同时进行脱沥青和溶剂精制的双溶剂过程。
- A linear correlation model of base stock composition and engine oil detergency was established.The detergency of engine oils blended by differen... 经分析建立了一个关于基础油组成与油品清净性能线性的模型,利用该模型得到的清净性指数能够区分不同基础油调制油品的清净性。
- Dihydroxy fatty acids as additives in rapeseed oil show better friction-reduction and antiwear properties than monohydroxy fatty acids in the same base stock. 双羟基脂肪酸比单羟基脂肪酸的减摩抗磨效果更为明显;
- The blending of HVI base stock from Daqing crude oil and HVI 150BS from Taiwan with additives except antioxidant is able to pass the test for antioxidation. 使用大庆原油生产的高粘度指数基础油及台湾的高粘度指数150BS,再与添加剂进行恰当的复合而不加抗氧剂即能通过油品的抗氧化性试验。
- Comparatively, at present goes on the market the rotatable debt transfers shares of stock the base stock this to be higher than 30% compared to the current market price. 相比之下,目前上市的可转债的转股价基本都比当前市价高出30%25。
- Layered Sodium Silicate modified was added into 150SN base stock as lubricating oil additive and the tribological behavior was evaluated with friction and wear testers. 改性层状硅酸钠作为润滑添加剂加入150SN基础油中,利用摩擦磨损试验机考察其摩擦学性能。
- Should process comprehensive information of the AWP market intelligence and capable of making accurate sales forecast and stocking inventory with the appropriate models and configuration. 充分了解高空作业平台的市场信息,对适合的产品和配置制定准确的销售预测和库存计划。
- The current escalation of price for crude oil , gasoline and other petroleum products including lube base stock and waxes , has generated renewed calls for increased efficiency of motor vehicles. 目前由于原油、汽油、润滑基础组分及蜡等石油产品的价格不断上涨,导致再次要求提高机动车的使用功效。
- Smaller engines, and longer intervals between drains is believed to be the principal reason for the lack of growth for lube base stocks. 发动机变小了、排水的间隙变长了等,都被认为是润滑油不再增长的基本原因。
- Recently protein feeds for animals have been developed by growing yeast in a petroleum based stock. 最近已经研制出一种动物食用的蛋白质饲料,它是用石油作为基本原料加上酵母而制成的。
- The ROYCO 2000 Series Synthetic Refrigeration Compressor Lubricants are formulated from the highest quality alkylate base stocks. ROYCO 2000系列合成冷冻压缩机油是以高质量的烷基苯为基础油的商品。
- Recently protein feeds for growing yeast in petroleum has developed animals based stock. 最近已经研制出一种动物食用的蛋白质饮料,它是用石油作为基本原料加上酵母而制成的。
- It was found that the hydrocarbons of the base stocks has some influence on the engine oil detergency. 通过研究发现,基础油中烃类对油品的清净性有一定影响。
- A medium pressure hydrotreating process for manufacturing high-grade lube oil base stocks has been developed by RIPP. 在“九五”期间,石油化工研究院(RIPP)开发了在中压条件下以中间基原油生产高粘度指数润滑油基础油的成套技术。