- base priority number 基本优先数
- Gets the base priority of the associated process. 获取关联进程的基本优先级。
- The base priority was set to an invalid value. 基优先级被设置为无效值。
- Priority number indicates a higher priority for the SOAP extension importer. 数字意味着较高的SOAP扩展导入程序优先级。
- PcPriClassBase Base priority of any threads created by this process. 建立该进程的父进程的标识。
- Gets or sets the base priority Message Queuing uses to route a public queue's messages over the network. 获取或设置基优先级,“消息队列”使用该基优先级在网络上传送公共队列的消息。
- The base priority of private queues and of directly accessed public queues is always zero. 专用队列和直接访问的公共队列的基本优先级始终为零。
- The current base priority of this process. Threads within a process can raise and lower their own base priority relative to the process'base priority. 这次处理的当前基本优先权。在一个处理中的线程可以根据处理的基本优先权提高或降低自己的基本优先权。
- Through amending risk priority number with regard to expected-cost and integrity, failure modes and effects analysis process becomes more scientific and applicable. 通过对各子系统风险顺序数进行改进,故障模式影响分析方法在综合评价系统过程中,更趋于经济性与整体性,使评估过程更加科学合理。
- The base priority of the thread, which the operating system computes by combining the process priority class with the priority level of the associated thread. 线程的基本优先级,它由操作系统通过将进程优先级类与关联线程的优先级别相结合进行计算。
- A process has a virtual address space, executable code, data, object handles, environment variables, a base priority, and minimum and maximum working set sizes. 进程有虚拟地址空间、可执行代码、数据、对象句柄、环境变量、基本优先级、最小与最大工作集大小。
- The current priority of the thread, which may deviate from the base priority based on how the operating system is scheduling the thread. 线程的当前优先级,可根据操作系统如何安排该线程而偏离基本优先级。
- By default, patent numbers, application and priority numbers are displayed in STN format. 预先设定地,专利权数字、申请和优先数字是显示以STN的格式。
- The provision of a priority number in the syntax enables decoders to discard VBI user information priorities which are not supported by the particular decoder. 语法中优先级值的约定使解码器丢掉不被特定解码器支持的VBI用户信息优先级。
- Priority Number or Priority Date 优先权号或优先权日
- Special Requisition Priority Number 特别申请等级编号
- The result of test not only proves that the communicating delay using Interprocess Communication module rebuilt is predictable, but also shows the benefit of queuing policy based priority during message queuing and synchronizing function of Semaphore. 测试表明,改进后进程通信的通信延迟处在一个可预测的范围之内,同时也体现出了在消息排队过程中优先级排队算法的优越性和信号量的同步协调功能。
- A priority number (integer) is associated with each process 每个进程都有自己的优先数[整数]
- The runner was retired put out at first base. 跑垒者于第一垒上被刺杀出局。
- The runner went to second base on a wild pitch. 一记瞎设让跑垒员跑上了第二垒。